Showing posts with label Romance. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Romance. Show all posts

Friday, August 28, 2015

Single Mom Confessions: Why I'm Scared to Date

Single Mom Confessions: Why I'm Scared to Date
I was in a not so good relationship for a long time, well it was almost 6 years. That isn't long for some people, but for me, it was far too long to spend with the wrong person. I stuck it out for that long hoping things would get better, that he would change. We had children together and I didn't want to give up so easy. He didn't change, things got worse, and I decided I did not want to put up with this anymore. It has been almost two years since I left him, and I was just so happy to be single, I knew I needed time to be alone, to think and reflect, and heal. Recently, I started to feel like I am finally ready to put myself out there again, so I created an online dating profile. I figured it would give me the most options, given my situation. It is super exciting, but its also tremendously scary!

Here are some concerns I have about dating as a single mother:
What kind of relationship is best for me?- At this point I do know that I at least want to date. I eventually want a long term relationship and marriage but don't want to rush it. I am weary of going to fast. I am not sure what i want right now, I'm hoping to find out. Is it enough to have a guy friend or two to talk to on the phone sometimes, maybe a running buddy, or do i really want something more committed? I will learn all of that as I go, at this point I just know i want something to break out of my shell. 
Who do i pick?- There are so many options, and with online dating, everyone's lives are presented as stats, its just weird. So people get put into little boxes based on everything from their looks, personality, careers, incomes, kids, down to how well they can spell and articulate, its crazy. Its like all this information is in your face first before you even get to know the person. Its easier to dismiss some people, or think they are probably out of your league before ever getting the chance to know them, and that's not even how I thought I operated.
I don't want to settle- I have a history of settling in my life, so I don't want to just settle. I want to make sure my potential relationships are with the right people for me. I don't want to assume someone is out of my league, and not go for it for fear of rejection. I will give most people a chance to talk to me, but I also do not want to waste my time on men who do not meet my interest. 
Should they have kids too?- I have children, so should the person I date have children too? In some ways that may be a good thing, but in other ways it scares me off. In that case, then I would have more children in my life, and so would he. There also would be an ex in the picture, and I really don't know if I want all that. I think I might want someone who doesn't have children, but then he would have the same fears I do, right? He also might be more immature, and not understand the responsibility. Yikes. Its complicated no matter how you look at it.
Can someone else really gel into my life?- At this point I am so comfortable with my life with just myself and my children, it just seems weird to think of having a man around. Really weird. I think it is just one of those things that will have to happen naturally with the right person. Also, I get scared sometimes about if I will be able to be my true self around someone. Will I really be able to be comfortable with a man in the way I can be comfortable with my kids? It seems like a long-shot, but I am ready to take some chances, because if it would happen, it could really be great. 

Wednesday, August 26, 2015

How to Plan the Perfect Romantic Vacation

How to Plan the Perfect Romantic Vacation
To maintain a good relationship with your partner it's a great idea to plan a romantic getaway now and then. Here's how to plan the perfect romantic vacation.

Have an open conversation with your partner about what is "romantic". 

You and your partner may have different ideas, or the same, on what is "romantic" when it comes to vacationing. It's best to thoroughly discuss ideas before booking a vacation so the both of you will be happy.

Shop around before confirming a vacation. 

Search different websites and travel agencies to get your best price. Sometimes booking directly through a resort can be cheaper while other times it might not be. Make sure when you do book a vacation you book it through a trusted travel agency so you don't get scammed. Do not buy any vacation packages off Ebay or Craigslist as those sites tend to have expired and/or used tickets that would be no use to you.

Look into boarding pets or hiring a pet/house sitter. 

The last thing you want while on vacation is worrying about your house and/or pets. If you trust your neighbors you could easily ask one of them to keep an eye on your place or even a close living relative. If you don't know anyone near where you live you could hire a house sitter. If you have pets or need your house to be checked on each day a great place to find someone is on On this site you can post an ad looking for a house and/or pet sitter or directly contact sitters by searching through hundred of profiles on the site. The great part about this site is that you can request background checks and references from any sitter you are interested in.

Choose a relaxing and easy-going vacation. 

To make this getaway truly romantic it needs to be slow paced. Make sure you don't pick a place that's crowded with tourists. Pick a quiet relaxed location where you and your partner can really spend some quality time together. Some great relaxing vacation ideas can be at a beach resort, touring wineries, a cruise ship, or even visiting quiet natural wonders such as the Grand Canyon or Niagara Falls .

Have a little spending money to add romantic touches. 

You may be sticking to a budget or you might not have to worry about it. Either way make sure you set some money aside to add some romantic touches throughout the vacation. Some touches that can be added is champagne at a dinner or a relaxing massage therapy session for two. Incorporate little things like that into the vacation to make it more romantic. It's even better if these are things you and your partner don't usually do. This is the time to indulge.

Leave work and other responsibilities at home for the duration of the vacation. 

Tell all your friends and family that you will be unreachable during your romantic getaway. In case of an emergency do provide where you are staying and contact details to at least one close friend or relative, also provide contact details to the person who is watching your house as well. Just make sure that you let everyone know that the only reason that you should be contacted on your vacation is if there is an emergency. This is the time to leave all of life's worries behind. Make sure to set up autopay or send in payments for bills early before you leave so you don't need to worry about that either.

Enjoy each other. 

This trip is all about you two. Enjoy your time together and forget about everything else that's going on in the world. Talk about old memories and make new ones. You may find times on your vacation where there's just silence, and that's okay. Just enjoy every moment together. 

Sunday, August 23, 2015

How to Be More Loving

How to Be More Loving
Most people, when they really look a what's important in life, find love is at the top. And whether this means sharing love with your family, community or the whole planet, the inevitable question arises: how do I be more loving? We feel our love deeply, but in the rush and habits of everyday life we get distracted and don't often express what's on the inside as clearly as we'd like.

My observation though is that loving is not an uphill battle. Rather, expressing our love for others in a healthy and balanced way is like anything else that comes naturally: it just takes a little practice. But before we begin practicing, it's essential to understand what exactly love is to avoid the many pitfalls we may fall into. 

Love and Attachment

When we love a person, we also tend to feel like they are the source of the love that we feel. This causes attachment to arise. Attachment could be called "The desire for the other person to bring me happiness." It is about getting something from someone, be it the identity of being lovable or fun or smart, or the feeling of comfort or excitement. Because we feel that the other person is the source of whatever it is we desire, we become attached to them, and instead of expressing our love purely we do so in a way that we hope will secure the other person to us. Attachment is our natural tendency and it's certainly not wrong to feel it, but observing it and remembering that it is different from love can be very useful in our journey to be more loving.
Love is the opposite of attachment. Love is about giving. One Buddhist definition of love is "The desire for the other person to be happy." There might be more to it than that, but this way of thinking about it gets at something important, which is that love is actually about giving to the other person without expecting anything back. True love does not try to hold onto the other, it sets them free.

Love Comes From Within

Even though it feels wonderful to share love with a particular person, the love that you are giving to them does not depend on that person to exist. Love comes from within us. This means that love is always inside of you, and you can feel it at any time (it just takes a little practice).

Loving With Courage

It takes courage to express love, especially when it is directed towards ourselves. We are taught from a young age that we must condemn ourselves for certain thoughts or behaviors and not to do so--to love ourselves unconditionally--seems unnatural. However once we do so, we are able to express our love in a new, deeper way to others. Our whole life becomes more alive and more joyful. This is a lifelong journey, but you can begin just by experimenting: when you notice you are judging yourself, try offering love instead.
Likewise, it takes courage to offer love to others. It requires opening our hearts to them, which can be quite a scary prospect, even if it is only a little. Remember here that love is about giving, and in fact the giving itself is enough. No matter how it is received, your love has been allowed to shine, and by doing so you have made the world a better place.

The Practice: How to Be More Loving

Observe love and attachment. Attachment is natural and we can't stop it from arising. What we can do is observe it and see how it acts differently from love. This is easiest to do by watching your actions and asking yourself "Was this motivated by love or attachment?" It's important not to judge yourself based on your answer! As we observe our actions, we gradually develop the knack for self observation and eventually we are able to see our thoughts as they arise. This allows us to be deliberate in what we choose to do.
One act of love. The easiest answer to the question of how to be more loving is "Practice!" Choose to express your love in one deliberate act a day. Let it be spontaneous (the easiest way to make it genuine) and allow it to arise from the warmth of your heart. It doesn't matter what you do--there are infinite ways to express the love within, for those we care about as well as strangers!
Journal. Write a short journal entry at the end of each day about love. Keeping the focus open ended will keep it interesting day after day, but some suggestions are to write about your daily practice, the love that you observed others expressing, and the reasons you are grateful for those you love. This acts as a way of "training" ourselves to be more in touch with the love that we have within.
Practice "Giving and Taking" meditation. This is a way of familiarizing yourself with the feeling of pure love that makes it easier to express it in our daily lives. You can begin by practicing for fifteen minutes every morning, and I'd be willing to bet you'll be amazed at your capacity for love and compassion!

Friday, August 21, 2015

The Art of Sex Appeal

Follow these tips to increase your natural sex appeal.
Sex Appeal. The media worships it. Songs idolize it. Men and women strive for it. But how exactly does one accomplish it? Well, here are some tips.

Walk the walk. 

Walking is something we do every day. You might not think the way you walk makes much of a difference as far as sex appeal goes, but think again. A woman who walks with her head up, her hips swaying, and a bounce in her step is far more likely to be noticed. She will be seen as confident and assertive, increasing her appeal and giving her an air of competence. Men who walk with a bit of a swagger, with their shoulders moving in rhythm to their steps, are seen as dominant. With long, purposeful strides and a straight back, a man is automatically assumed to know what he's doing, and is far more likely to be noticed than one who is distracted or slumped over. People who walk with confidence are far more likely to be considered attractive, and a strong walk will almost certainly cause other people to be more respectful of you.

Talk the talk. 

Clear, precise speech is an indication of confidence, and will gain appreciation from listeners. People who babble, mumble, or trip over their words are more likely to be seen as nervous or incompetent, and will not be as respected as someone who speaks clearly with a purpose and a point to make. The key is to speak only when you have something to say; don't talk for the purpose of filling a silence or dominating a conversation. Don't punctuate sentences with things like "umm" or "like," as this will only dilute your point and lead to boredom on the part of your listener. A person who can tell a joke, share a story, or hold a conversation without mincing their words or mumbling will be considered attractive and entertaining, raising their sex appeal considerably and garnering respect from their audience.

Make eye contact. 

People whose eyes are constantly shifting or wandering to the floor or ceiling are naturally seen as being meek or inattentive. When speaking or being spoken to, maintain eye contact with the person or people near you. This shows that you are paying attention, and is also a sign of assertiveness and confidence. Making and maintaining eye contact creates an aura of self assurance; an attractive feature to potential mates. This principle has its roots in our most basic instincts, and can make a big, though subtle, difference in how you are viewed by members of the opposite sex.


Many people dislike their smile. But people who smile are more likely to be seen as outgoing and fun, and will attract far more positive attention than someone who is always stony-faced or expressionless. Smile often (though not too often- you don't want to look like a barbie doll) and make sure the expression reaches your eyes. Even if you don't show your teeth, a simple upturn of the lips now and then can make a big difference in how you are perceived by others. We are naturally attracted to happy people; biologically, happy equals healthy, which equals desirable.

Be confident. 

Overall, sex appeal has little to do with the way you look. The term "sexy" might as well be a synonym for "confident," because in the end that's exactly what it boils down to. Confident people are attractive people. Even if you don't feel your best, try to walk, talk, and look as though you do. Giving off an air of self-assurance is always going to attract positive attention from other people, whether your aim is to charm that special someone or impress your employer. So keep your head up, shoulders back, and smile--you'll be a heartthrob in no time.

Wednesday, August 12, 2015

10 Tips for the Single Mom Getting Back into the Dating Game

10 Tips for the Single Mom Getting Back into the Dating Game
When the ex and I split back in early 2009, my first thought was how much I do not want to be in another relationship no time soon.
Between disrespect, verbal abuse and not respecting opinions, I've dealt with just as much as I could with a bad relationship. I blamed myself for a very long time for even choosing to be in a union that was very toxic for all parties involved.
It was hard being with a man who thought the sky was pitch black even on a bright, cloudless, sunny day. He was not a bad guy, but being in a committed relationship with him was bad for my health.
In the mist of all this madness, we still decided to make two daughters. I would not exactly describe that decision as "smart," but while I strongly believe all children are gifts and should be celebrated as such, they do sometimes make relationships more complicated.
So after walking away from toxicity, with my two small daughters in tow, as I stated before, seeing another man simply was not on my radar. Even maintaining friendships were a challenge because I simply did not want them (or myself) becoming attached, especially with my daughters being involved.
And then the idea of actually finding a guy who appeared to be a winner, a great, respectful man to the kids and to you…only to find out he's got a prison record and a history of beating his exes.
Then you find the gentleman who appears to be a winner because he has kids of his own and is also a single parent. You go on one date that appears to be promising, he may do small favors for you here and there throughout the friendship, nothing too elaborate…only for him to start assuming you owe him something in return…like a serious relationship and steady, reoccurring sex.
Let's not forget about the amazing guy that has it all: great car, home, money (so he claims), can carry on conversations about the Renaissance to civil rights to stock market performance; just perfect! Then, he thinks it will be cute to text you a selfie of his "lower extremities" randomly to show you what your missing out on, not at all worried about one of your kids picking up your phone and potentially seeing his unimpressive "offering."
Sigh…what is a single mom to do with a love life? She wants to love again. She doesn't want to be one of those bitter, man-bashing women forever. She wants to date and find that perfect guy who will love her and her minions unconditionally. He does not need to have all the luxuries in life. Just a good heart and an all around good, productive human being. Is that so much to ask?!
Well as a woman whose been there, done that and actually found an amazing guy amongst the womanizers, control freaks and former jail birds, allow me to give you a little advice when it comes to finding love for you and your babies:
  1. It's not just about youHe needs to WANT to be an amazing potential dad to your children. Accepting your kids is one thing but being willing and ready to be a potential paternal figure to kids who deserve it is what you need to be looking for. If he even for one second gives a pause to anything concerning a future with you AND your kids, keep it moving.
  2. He does not have to be a single dad. Some of the most decent men I ever met are not fathers. Sometimes, some single mothers get caught up in the idea of dating only single fathers because they feel they are the only type of men that will really understand the concept that some dates may involve a Disney movie or going out for pizza. I've taken my kids with me on dates with guys that had no kids of their own and we're are still friends to this day. Just keep #1 in mind when deciphering between dads and non-dads. It will save you and your children wasted time and hurt feelings.
  3. DO NOT SETTLE. I was talking to a single dad for a short period of time who admitted he wanted to spend more time with another woman who just happened to not have children…as long as he and I could still be friends and hang out occasionally…aside for his new found girlfriend. Now, when he told me this, I was in this "should I or shouldn't I" settle point in life because I was near 30 and nothing promising has blossomed in my love life. I started thinking well maybe if he and I have playdates or something here and there, maybe he will change his mind….Hell no. You deserve to be number one as well as your kids. Needless to say, I deleted his number.
  4. Don't be scared to date outside your race. I know this is a touchy subject so I am going to try to approach it with some sensitivity. When you limit yourself strictly based on race, you do yourself no favors because you are trimming off tons of great potential partners. Some people date in their race for no other reason but for comfort and being able to identify with each other. Others have more narrow-minded reasoning behind their decisions. Ultimately, different strokes for different folks, but if your goal is unconditional love, why are you setting conditions, with one of the dumbest being race? Remember, a good man has no color, as does a good jerk.
  5. Luxuries should not matter. Let's be honest: you're a single mom. We are not always the most desired of the female population. When that is nice and stapled into your psyche, it should humble you. Thus, your decision-making should become just as humble. Being single for so long, I was given all types of bar stool advice about bagging me a man with a nice retirement plan and savings account. But after trying that a few times (and watching it back fire horribly), I simply humbled myself. I did not say lower your standards; I'm simply saying humble them. If you have trouble doing this, think about your kids. What does it take to make them happy? A Happy Meal and staying up late. That doesn't sound like a lot right? I know it sounds elementary but transfer that attitude to yours….be honest with yourself: why are you expecting so much from a man? I'm not saying date bums, but take heed to things that really matter in love and life. Money, cars and clothes are so far off the mark, sister.
  6. Pay attention to bad marriages. You noticed I said "marriages," right? You are getting back into the game to eventually be more than a girlfriend. You and your children deserve longevity in love. You will especially want to listen to men (if you plan on marrying a man). What makes them ticked off about their wives? Are they living or simply existing in their marriages? What are their wives lacking? What do they wish their wives would do more of? Are their wives supportive? Are they porn stars in the bedroom? Are they great disciplinarians or do they allow the children to run haywire at home and in public? Are their wives pretty good looking ladies or are they comfortable with looking like road kill? Learn to fill in holes where other women lack. NO! I am not saying go take someone's husband! I'm simply saying keep their wants and desires in the back of your head. You're already a great mom; work on being a great wife.
  7. Get a life. Men don't like clingy women. I had a bad habit of wanting to be around my man all the time in the past. Get busy with things you enjoy. I enjoy writing and blogging and it takes up time, time that I could be spending with the boo thing. But it's what makes me, well, me! I have girlfriends and civic groups I try to be active with. I like taking small vacations alone with my daughters. I sometimes have to travel for my job, which takes some time away from him. I simply have other desires that I enjoy alone. And frankly, doing your own will probably make him miss you and adore you more!
  8. Don't expect much from online dating. I did the online dating thing for years and I met some of the most ridiculous men from it. However; it's also where I met the great guy I'm with now! The best advice I can give for online dating is make an honest and to-the-damn-point profile. No one likes to read articles about how you love cooking. Leave the skanky selfies at bay; you will do nothing but attract nonsense. The profile you make is the profile you should be looking for in a mate. Pay attention to the basic info like whether or not he's a smoker, body size and shape, religion, etc. You can decipher a lot of losers from winners from that basic section. It's also the best way to decipher to honest Abes from the liars. If he says a devout religious follower with half naked selfies with him smoking as his profile photos, you may want to keep it moving. You owe nothing to men online just as you don't in reality. 
  9. Get your financial house in order. This kind of plays into number 5. Simply put: do not expect a man to bail you out of debt. Get your mess in order before expecting a man to fall for your trap. No one likes or respects a gold digger! Getting out of debt is hard; I know all to well. The idea of affording my student loans every month makes me shutter but it has to get done, right? Being totally and completely debt free is not easy, but at least have it under control and do not try to hide it. Not to be shallow, but no one likes surprises, especially when it comes to our bank accounts, so when the time is right, have the money talk with him and be honest.
  10. KEEP YOUR PARENTAL HOUSE IN ORDER! I will not give this one much thought because if you get mad about this one, you need serious soul searching that I could never help you with. No one, especially men, likes bratty kids. A crappy parent is not only a severe turn off to anyone, but depending on how sloppy you are, it could be illegal. In the words of my best "urban-ese": Ain't nobody got time for that!! Get your parental house in order on your own; no man wants to do it for you. Trust me.

Eco-Friendly Ways to Set the Mood for Valentine’s Day

Eco-Friendly Ways to Set the Mood for Valentine’s Day
Romantic dinners, flickering candles, and gorgeous bouquets: Going green doesn't mean you have to skip these Valentine's Day traditions. Want to set the mood this year in a more environmentally-friendly way? Consider these eco-friendly ideas to set the mood for Valentine's Day.

Non-toxic candles for Valentine's Day

Create a romantic atmosphere with flickering candles that smell wonderful. Regular candles lose their therapeutic factor when they release toxic smoke into the air; instead, choose soy and beeswax candles that are scented with essential oils for a safer, more eco-friendly alternative.

Organic, fair trade flowers for Valentine's Day

Flowers are a classic symbol of love, so set the mood with a gorgeous bouquet of flowers that are organic and fair trade-certified. The best option is to buy locally, but if you cannot find flowers from a trustworthy source in your area, you can always look online by searching for organic, fair trade flowers.

Organic wine for Valentine's Day

It can be difficult to find a wine that is truly organic, because some wines are labeled so, even when they are only ninety percent organic, and others are not labeled organic, even when they are one hundred percent. Luckily, I was able to find a Good Housekeeping article that does all the work for you; check out these high-quality, organic red wines.
Don't miss out on the traditional Valentine's Day atmosphere, simply because you don't think you can achieve it in an environmentally-friendly way. Soy candles, fair trade flowers, and organic wine will help you set the mood for Valentine's Day in an eco-friendly way.

Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Gratefulness: The Secret to a Successful Relationship

Gratefulness: The Secret to a Successful Relationship
Gratefulness is a subtle and simple quality that inevitably makes or breaks most relationships. Whenrelationships are new, gratefulness permeates every aspect of new found love. Gratefulness makes us excited to see the one we love. It makes us smile every time we see them. It makes us want to touch them, hold their hand, and kiss them. It directly adds passion to everything we do with them. This positive emotion inevitably leads our mate to feel admired, needed, respected and even loved. Thus gratefulness becomes a key cornerstone in the foundation of every new relationship.
Unfortunately, as relationships progress, many people often lose some of this natural enthusiasm and gratitude for their relationship. This does not necessarily mean you love your partner any less, but sub-consciously you might be sending the wrong signal to your loved one. In turn your spouse may reflect similar negative emotions and signals back to you through their own actions, inadvertently starting a vicious cycle of negativity. So as your relationship grows and matures, it usually becomes necessary to find new ways of expressing gratitude to your loved one if you hope to prevent ungratefulness from destroying your relationship.
Naturally, there is the direct way of being grateful, by telling your mate thank you whenever they do something for you. Yet true gratitude and appreciation can be shown in so many other forms too. Here are a few suggestions that can help improve your relationship:
  • 1) Don't just tell your spouse you love them. Make sure you tell them frequently the many different reasons why you love them. Examples: She is a good mother, he is a good provider, they are loyal, they are patient, they are a great cook, etc.
  • 2) Always respond positively to your spouse's touch or beckoning call; never act annoyed or too busy. Never sigh or groan or roll your eyes when your mate tries to engage you.
  • 3) Fixing their things and helping them on needed projects will make them feel loved and appreciated.
  • 4) Having a weekly date night lets your mate know you still value the time you share together.
  • 5) Massages at times and places where sex is not an option shows unselfish love and appreciation.
  • 6) Bragging to your friends and family about your spouse will reinforce the admiration you have for them.
  • 7) Always include something about your spouse and family whenever giving a toast.
  • 8) Value their opinion. Always ask for and consider their opinion in all important decisions.
  • 9) Holding hands, caressing, stroking, touching, and other forms of non-sexual touching let your spouse know that they are loved and appreciated.
  • 10) Hug your mate frequently and try to find time to embrace them for 10 or 15 minutes every day.
When expressed frequently in clear and direct manners, as well as sub-consciously through positive thoughts and actions, gratitude becomes a key building block to other important qualities and emotions that are found in all successful relationships. Your spouse can have no sense of appreciation, no feeling of being respected, and no feeling of being needed when you inadvertently give them the vibe or signal that you are ungrateful.
The truth is I could go on listing dozens of do's and don'ts about being grateful. In fact my book 199 Ways To Improve Your Relationships, Marriage, And Sex Life is really just a more complete list of suggestions that will make your spouse feel loved and appreciated. Yet in reality, only you can truly self-analyze your relationship and see where you are coming up short. Only you can begin to end the cycle of ungratefulness, if it now exists in your relationship. I truly hope this article will give you the knowledge and tools you need to start improving your relationship today.

Monday, August 10, 2015

Romance and Dating in Prehistoric Times

Romance and Dating in Prehistoric Times
Before we begin this fascinating topic of dating in Prehistoric times it must be known that the majority of this information is based on no apparent facts concerning how to get a date other than how many glasses of wine the author has consumed during the writing of this article. Any similarities between persons living or dead is clearly coincidental, and quite frankly, weird.

The first singles clubs

Having grown up watching the Flintstones, I now feel as if I am an authority on life in the Stone Age, including the dating rituals of that period. Lets be real, how many of us had a mad crush on that first Sugarbabe, Betty Rubble, and although they did not have the luxury of online dating, there is something to be said for communication via a hollowed out log or tying a letter to a flying lizard. Men and women have been hooking up since the beginning of time, heck, if they weren't, none of us would be here. But how they got together is the fun part. Contrary to what movies and television show us, it was not as simple as merely walking out in the woods and bopping a woman over the head and dragging her back to your cave, this may work in places like Brooklyn, New York but highly doubtful in Prehistoric times. Women through all periods of history wanted to be wooed before submitting to the advances of a cave dwelling Sugardaddy.

Romantic gestures

There are proper techniques for prehistoric head bopping and dragging by the hair but you first must be stealthy enough to get close enough to strike. Women of the Stone Age were tough and if they saw that club hidden behind your back as you were handing them meat, grubs or some other display of affection, you may be in for a formidable battle. It is for this reason that prehistoric man often worked in groups of twos. One would distract the female while the other delivered a love tap to the head with his mighty club. I mean would Fred really have had a shot with Wilma without help or divine intervention?

The beginning of Sugardaddy dating

As stated earlier, gifts were an important part of the prehistoric dating process as those who seemed to be the best providers were the ones most likely to hook up with the desired females and thus continue on the road to procreation and the carrying on their genetic line. This is basic evolution and survival of the fittest as the biggest and best are most likely to survive. There are of course exceptions to every rule and in every generation or period of time there has been the occasional Don Knots and Arnold Horshack. As we have said, gifts were a large part of the way in which men have shown their ability to provide, a Bronto burger was simply not enough, but continuously providing meat went a long way in winning over your intended female's family. It's very much the same today, taking a woman to a fine restaurant and the ability to pay for a better home will usually attract the most desirable females.

The Evolution of Dating

Romance and dating in prehistoric times, as well as throughout the centuries, is not all that different. The key differences are in the type of technology used to find a significant other. We have gone from wooden clubs to online dating sites; from large quantities of meat and the ability to create fire to a high paying job and a luxury car, the idea however is the same. Romance and dating is not rocket science, outside of some enormous chemistry or attraction between two people, the best provider usually wins out in the end. It's just nature's way.

Benefits of Diet Based Dating - Dating Based on Diet and Lifestyle

Benefits of Diet Based Dating - Dating Based on Diet and Lifestyle
I'm all for diet based dating. Why? Mostly because the ease of hooking up with someone who has the same eating habits as you do makes life less difficult. In my own diet based relationship, I feel as though our common eating habits bring a nice foundation of strength to us as a couple. As I see it, finding someone to walk through with isn't just about love, I think compatibility in diet and lifestyle are paramount. Some of the benefits of diet based dating which I find helpful in my own current relationship are listed below.

Eating Out

In my diet based relationship, eating out is a pleasant experience. When I was married to my eat everything ex-husband, I couldn't say that. I'm not into supper club food with heavy cream sauces and a huge meat menu. With someone that is eating a gluten free diet by my side, I'm able to have tension free discussions about where we're eating without any concern for my significant other's disdain.


I know when meal times are approaching; my partner and I will likely have something in mind which is healthy and good for both of us, as well being something which will tickle our taste buds. I don't have to worry about cooking short order meals for myself, and my significant other. This creates an atmosphere which meals are easier to plan and prepare. Meals become more of a joy than a task thinking of something for everyone and yourself as well.

Grocery Shopping

Grocery shopping is so much easier with someone who is on the same type of diet as you are. There's less to purchase as well because you can buy groceries for both of you to enjoy, rather than individual different foods for each person in the relationship to eat. When I shop for my current relationship, I know I can generally breeze through the aisles to get some food items both me and my man will be happy with.

Same Thought Process

Most of all, I enjoy possessing the same thoughts regarding food as my guy. It's so easy to make decisions about what to have for picnics, or snacks or whatever the case may be. I never feel any sense of tension when it's time to ponder our next meal together. Eating is such a large part of any relationship and I'm finding its a bonus for me to experience the ease of being on the same page about food as a couple.
Source: Personal Experience

Friday, July 31, 2015

How to Make Your Ex Jealous-Making Your Ex Jealous Can Make You Feel Good

How to Make Your Ex Jealous Making Your Ex Jealous Can Make You Feel Good
You can make yourself feel good by making your ex jealous. Here's how to do so.

Improve your image. 

This can mean lose weight if you need to. Get a new haircut or new outfit. Make yourself look great. It will drive your ex crazy when they see how great you look now that you aren't with them. Make sure to post pictures of your new look on Facebook.

Post all the fun that you're having on Facebook. 

Even if you aren't "friends" with your ex on Facebook anymore they still might be checking up on you on there. Don't post anything sad on Facebook but keep all your posts happy and talk about how much fun that you are having. You can even post pictures with captions that say "I'm having more fun now that I'm single".

Be successful. 

Not only will this better your life but when your ex finds out they will get jealous. They will see how they are missing out on being with someone that is successful. You can be successful at your job or in school. Just work hard and give your all.

Don't respond to any messages right away. 

If they see how well you are doing there will be a high chance that they will try to contact you. Don't reply to their messages right away. Give it a day or two then reply that you are sorry you didn't reply right away because you were too busy doing (insert something fun). You can also not say sorry and just reply with very short messages. Space replies out so it looks like you are't giving them your full attention.

Go to their favorite hangout places with a date. 

This will drive them up the wall when they see you have "moved on". You can even just bring a friend and really have a fun time. Pick to go on a night where your ex is more likely to be there.

Go to a hot vacation spot that you both wanted to go to but never went to. 

This shows them that you aren't sitting around waiting for them anymore and that you are getting what you want now. Make sure to post pictures on Facebook, Twitter, and other social websites to show that you are having the best time ever.

Keep mutual friends and have them hang out with you more than your ex. 

Your ex will get very jealous when they find out that their friends would rather hang out with you than them. 

Tuesday, July 28, 2015

How to Wisely Find True Love Online

How to Wisely Find True Love Online
As the author of the book 199 Ways To Improve Your Relationships, Marriage, And Sex Life I have done voluminous amounts of research on online dating and online relationships. Based on this research and hundreds of conversations with people who frequent these dating sites, I have come to two definitive conclusions - 1) online dating is a dangerous sport and 2) not everyone you meet online will have the same character, morals and ethics as you.
This how to article is designed to improve your odds of successfully finding an honest person online, someone capable of offering you the true love that you so desire. By following these simple suggestions you will be much more capable of sorting out the liars and cheating spouses from the genuine people you seek to meet - while simultaneous protecting yourself from scammers, spammers (email-hunters), and sometimes even sexual predators that troll the dating sites in hopes of finding a naive and trusting soul.
  • 1) Create Secondary Accounts For safety and privacy every online user should have two email and chat accounts. One set of accounts should only be used for trusted friends, family, and business dealings with well-known and reputable companies. The other accounts should be used for everyone and everything else, including the next date you find online. The secondary accounts that will be used for meeting new people online should definitely not have your real name on them or contain any personal information like your address or phone number.
  • 2) Always Guard Your Personal Information Financial scammers only need a couple pieces of information to quickly build a complete profile on you. Your real full name, birth date, and the city you live in are generally enough to lead a good hacker to everything else he needs to run a successful scam on you, so be very cautious about what information you make public online.
  • 3) Be Patient Most low life people who are seeking to take advantage lack patience. They want to score quickly and move on to the next victim as soon as possible. So don't be in rush, don't give out personal information or contact information the first time you meet someone of interest, and don't be afraid to chat with someone new several times before beginning to trust them. Let the person you just met online know that you intend to move slowly. This will discourage less than honest people to move on to other people if their intentions are not pure.
  • 4) Do Research Once you meet someone of interest, you should want to get as much information from them as possible so you can check them out completely. Once you have their personal information you can use Yahoo search engine and websites like to see what else they are doing online. Search the web for their username, email address, phone number, their full name, and various shorter versions of their name.
  • 5) Use Search Image Since most people tend to favor one or two photos of themselves they often use their "best" photo on multiple websites. Normally by using your search engine's image search function it is quite easy to find several websites where the same photo has been used.
  • 6) Check Out Their Web Pages And Profiles Carefully Generally the really bad stuff like criminal arrests and sex offender registrations will pop to your attention quickly, but don't forget to use common sense when looking at a more normal person's web activities. For example, if a guy has dating ads on a dozen sites for the past 10 years then the odds are he will not be settling down with you anytime soon. Take the time to look through all their web activities as often the devil can be found in the details. Posts and profiles can often lead you to discover spouses, children, vices and other important details that may have been hidden from you.
  • 7) Test Their Honesty And Integrity Once you have discovered their website presence you will be better able to verify that they are who and what they say they are as well as being able to ask intelligent questions that test their honesty and openness with you.
  • 8) Verify Their Marital Status Whenever Possible In many counties and states it is possible to check marriage and divorce records online to verify that the person you are interested in is truly single. Don't hesitate to check out your next date. Don't waste your time, energy, or a broken heart on some cheating spouse or worthless sex addict that is only looking for a quick fling.
  • 9) Beware of Zero Web Presence Anyone who has zero web presence has likely created a new account for a new sting. Most real people should be tied into several of the common websites like Yahoo, Facebook, Twitter, MySpace, etc. and you should easily find some of their accounts by searching for their username, email address, phone number, real name, and photos online.
  • 10) Meet In Public Places The more people the better. Cheating spouses and sexual predators will always avoid public places and their nefarious activities seldom occur in their own localities. So for your own protection, use the web to verify that they are a local and meet them only in a very public place like a mall or theater.
Unfortunately I cannot guarantee you success in your next relationship. Yet I truly believe if you follow this advice you will be much more likely to find a real and honest person on your next attempt at online dating.

Women: Online Dating Etiquette to Use Now

Women: Online Dating Etiquette to Use Now
Ladies we know that online dating is a whole new world and it is hard to traverse it without a misstep, but there are mistakes that we are making all the time. I know I certainly haven't been perfect. I have taken the guesswork out of it and researched what we are doing that we need to stop right now.
Meeting Too Quickly 
I love getting offline as quickly as possible too. I mean it is great to be able to get to know someone in person, but it can make everything feel too serious. That can make everyone feel claustrophobic, so tread with caution.

A Negative Profile 
Many women have run into bad guys while in the dating world, but in the end no one likes to hear you lingering over it. If you are stuck in the past it feels like you aren't ready to move forward to the future. To avoid this be positive and open in your profile.

The Tall Issue 
Girls we all imagine a tall dark and handsome guy, but in reality we are cutting some wonderful guys out from out possibility pool. Does height really seem like a good enough reason to rule someone out? Yes, I understand you don't want to look like a giant next to him, but a guy who is about the same height or just a little shorter won't have that effect and could be a great guy!

Words Words Words! 
It is a known fact that women like to read, but men are not as likely to have that interest. Meaning that we need to stop being so wordy! Women typically have long profile descriptions, but the fact is, you need some things to talk about on the date, and he likely won't read it all.

Don't Wait For Him 
We are in the 21st century; we do not have to wait for a man to make the first move and men love it when we do it. The fact is it is easier to be assertive online because it isn't face to face and you need to take advantage or you are going to be waiting a long time. Message him first!

These tips won't guarantee you will find a match but you know it certainly won't hurt! Don't be too aggressive or too passive but show your interest. Know that what needs to happen will happen, so relax and enjoy the ride.

Tips on Relationships: Playing the Blame Game

Tips on Relationships: Playing the Blame Game
There's an old adage (and a bonafide cliche) that goes: Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me. When it comes to relationships, these words can ring true when entering and coming out of bad relationships. And the ring even truer when your broken relationship is set on rinse and repeat. Let's get some things into perspective, though: after the third time, there's no fooling anymore. You know what you have now, and for better or worse, you've chosen it.

He cheated on you with your best friend. She left you when your house went into foreclosure and your mom had just died. Or, he/she is just an all around bitter pill to swallow and makes you second guess everything about yourself to the point that your self-esteem is whittled down to a grain of salt. So you lay down the law, you give them ultimatums to change, or you say enough is enough and leave for good. But, what eventually happens? You get weak and ring them up, or pick up the phone and answer it the first time they call. You reminisce, you cry (on the inside for those who don't like to show their emotions), and then you find it in your heart to forgive them, and all is well... for a moment. And then, without warning (at least that's what we'll go with for the sake of the argument), lightning strikes in the same place twice. And now what?

Forgive them at your own risk. You've done this dance before, so at least now you know what to do. But, it doesn't matter how many times it happens, it never gets easier dealing with infidelity or someone who makes you feel less than human. No matter how much your common sense tries to rear it's ugly head, love is a fickle and cruel emotion that can sometimes attach itself to the worst kind of people. Believe me, dream lovers, I know how it feels to have feelings for someone and no matter how many warning signs appear, you will ignore them all and get hurt in the process. If you find yourself in the position that you're wondering whether to move forward with the relationship or to cut your losses and move on, take some time to yourself and reflect. Don't take a minute, or an hour, or a day. Take as much time as you can, because decisions like this do not need to be made hastily or forced out of you by an external motivator. Maybe you have kids, or have built a life with this person and cannot simply walk away. Whatever you do, though, you must do it with your own health and wellness in mind. No amount of emotional connections is worth its weight in emotional baggage. If you want to forgive them, do so with realistic expectations.
The "past" is the past. So, you forgave him/her. Now, you can't for the life of you forget what they did and whenever an argument comes up, you are quick to throw that in their face. And it's not just once, but every single time there is a dispute. Do you know what that means? It means not only have you not forgiven them, but you're still stuck in that instance. Did I not tell you to forgive at your own risk? Well, guess what? That's exactly what it means... your own risk. While you should never forget what caused you so much pain in the past, you should never bring it up simply out of spite or just to win a momentary argument. And on the off chance it happens over and over again, the trips down memory lane have less and less of an effect. Sure, you'll keep harping on it, but your actions show that he/she can continue doing it and you'll continue to accept it. The end result is a repetitive loop of being betrayed, forgiving the betrayal, rehashing the betrayal, and then around and around it goes.
Family and friends have a limit. I understand that you are in a vicious cycle that continues to run its course, but you need to be careful on how you involve friends and family in your drama. First of all, your family and friends should only want what's best for you, and most of the time, when they tell you to get yourself out of the situation, it is because of what they have witnessed or heard from your mouth. When you are stressed, they are stressed, and eventually they will grow tired of your constant indecisiveness and will not want to hear your problems anymore. Because as the adage goes, "Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice-" --- you get it. Your family and friends will have no choice but to wash their hands of it because there is only so much one can do for someone before it is solely on that person to come out of it. How many of us have witnessed a friend or family member's bad relationship only to whisper behind their back about how foolish they are being? Granted, sometimes this can be for sheer gossip, but for a lot of us, it is the only way we can be vocal about our disdain without risking our own relationship with the foolish person. After all, I've seen many a friendship and relationship ruined over a no-good boyfriend/girlfriend/spouse and the friend or family member was only trying to help that person move on.
The blame has to come back to you. Does this sound harsh? Absolutely. And, don't get me wrong: if you are in an abusive relationship, it is never your fault that someone puts their hands on you or maliciously mistreats you. They are a disgusting person and you should remove yourself from that situation, immediately, no questions asked. Those kinds of relationships almost always get worse, with disastrous outcomes. What I am saying is, it is one thing to forgive a thousand mistakes. But, when you forgive the same mistake a thousand times, it's pretty clear that he/she has no intentions of changing, and for that matter, neither do you. They may have their blatant faults, but you keep taking them back, same faults and all. And when you want a reason for why your life is in constant disarray or why you look at that person with contempt and loath to be around them, grab a mirror, look into it, and soak it in. It's you, dream lover. You can't keep blaming them for every single thing that goes wrong in your life. If he takes your car without putting gas in the tank when he's done, and youcontinue to let him borrow it? It's you. If she maxes out all of your credit cards, sticks you with the bills, and then you go out and apply for a new Mastercard and give it to her to go shopping? It's you. Not only are you willfully contributing to your own stress, you're enabling their bad behavior instead of confronting them. Sorry, but the self-pity train has to stop sometime.
Take it from me: as someone who has had to move on from an imaginary relationship, it can suck giving your all to someone who just won't give back. It hurts realizing that it's not the fairy tale that you envisioned and that when life happens, unfortunate things can happen. At the risk of ending this on a cliched adage, "To err is human, but to forgive is divine". In this case, however, that divine forgiveness can play into that human erring, especially when you constantly forgive someone, and there is no different outcome. Now, I end this on a very much needed, albeit not well known quote from someone who apparently had some sense: "The definition of insanity is repeating the same mistakes over and over again and expecting different results."

Wednesday, July 22, 2015

How to Be Funny when You're Meeting Women for the First Time

How to Be Funny when You're Meeting Women for the First Time
Being yourself is an important part of impressing women. Your goal is to come off as someone that is cool, confident, and collected, and one of the only ways to do that is to truly embrace your personality and find women that you can connect with. Still, you do need to impress these women first, and while one of the easiest ways to impress girls is humor, most guys don't know how to be funny, especially when they meet a girl for the first time.

Tips On Being Funny
There's no real secret when it comes to how to be funny. That's because humor, at its core, is about originality. Going the easy route by making "That's what she said" jokes, or using punch lines that everyone has heard a million times before is a great way to strike out. No one can tell you exactly how to be funny because the jokes need to be 100% your own, and too much coaching will cause you to simply parrot jokes that other people have used in the past.
But there are still strategies that you can use to integrate humor into the conversation, and while all of these take some practice if you're not naturally funny, you'll find that over time you can develop a sense of humor that women will appreciate.
  • · Tell Stories
Stories that involve naturally humorous situations are not only the best way to be funny - they're also a good way to impress women. Stories make you interesting, and not just a generic guy that they can meet at any bar or coffee shop. Listen to the way that funny people tell stories. Notice their inflections, pauses, and how they emphasize the joke. Then think back to the funny things that happened in your life and see how you can make them into stories.
  • · Randomness is Acceptable
Recall that originality is the key to good humor, and if you want to learn how to be funny, you need to figure out how to be original. That means that random thoughts, random phrases, random references are all appreciated. If they pop into your mind, go ahead and say it, provided it isn't terribly inappropriate or makes you look bad. Even if she doesn't get you, at least she'll recognize that your humor isn't recycled garbage.
  • · Avoid The Obvious
If the joke is so obvious that even a simpleton would make it, don't make the joke. Most guys that don't know how to be funny make any joke they can when the joke is there. Making the obvious joke doesn't make you interesting. It's almost better to be not funny at all than it is to try to make jokes that anyone can make, because at least then it doesn't look like you're trying too hard.

Additional Tips on How to Be Funny
The reality is that humor is harder to grasp than most people realize. The best thing you can do is watch standup comedy, practice originality, find your best stories, and not make the easy jokes just because they're there. The more you practice, the funnier you'll be, and the easier time you'll have impressing women.