Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Women: Online Dating Etiquette to Use Now

Women: Online Dating Etiquette to Use Now
Ladies we know that online dating is a whole new world and it is hard to traverse it without a misstep, but there are mistakes that we are making all the time. I know I certainly haven't been perfect. I have taken the guesswork out of it and researched what we are doing that we need to stop right now.
Meeting Too Quickly 
I love getting offline as quickly as possible too. I mean it is great to be able to get to know someone in person, but it can make everything feel too serious. That can make everyone feel claustrophobic, so tread with caution.

A Negative Profile 
Many women have run into bad guys while in the dating world, but in the end no one likes to hear you lingering over it. If you are stuck in the past it feels like you aren't ready to move forward to the future. To avoid this be positive and open in your profile.

The Tall Issue 
Girls we all imagine a tall dark and handsome guy, but in reality we are cutting some wonderful guys out from out possibility pool. Does height really seem like a good enough reason to rule someone out? Yes, I understand you don't want to look like a giant next to him, but a guy who is about the same height or just a little shorter won't have that effect and could be a great guy!

Words Words Words! 
It is a known fact that women like to read, but men are not as likely to have that interest. Meaning that we need to stop being so wordy! Women typically have long profile descriptions, but the fact is, you need some things to talk about on the date, and he likely won't read it all.

Don't Wait For Him 
We are in the 21st century; we do not have to wait for a man to make the first move and men love it when we do it. The fact is it is easier to be assertive online because it isn't face to face and you need to take advantage or you are going to be waiting a long time. Message him first!

These tips won't guarantee you will find a match but you know it certainly won't hurt! Don't be too aggressive or too passive but show your interest. Know that what needs to happen will happen, so relax and enjoy the ride.

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