Saturday, August 29, 2015

How to Abide by the Pet Rules in Your Lease

How to Abide by the Pet Rules in Your Lease
As a person who has been renting for many years, I can tell you that each and every lease can be very different. The laws can vary depending on what state you live in, and what rules are put into your lease. When you have pets, things can sometimes get a little more complicated. There are several things you will want to keep in mind when you rent and you plan on having pets, or you already have them. In some instances there are a few things that are sometimes overlooked when it comes to pet rules, so keep reading below to find out what they are. The last thing you want is to have an eviction notice on your door, because of a simple mistake.

Loopholes in your lease

Do you know the fine print that is sometimes found on the bottom of your lease? Or perhaps you just did not take the time to read all 32 pages of your lease, because it just seemed like too much. Be careful because this is the area of the lease that usually contains those little loopholes in reference to pets. Some are very specific as to what type of pet you can have, and even how big of a pet you can have. Some are even breed specific. The lease may also indicate that you can not replace the pet, with another pet. It may seem like common sense when it comes to loopholes in the lease but you would be surprised at how many people actually miss something, simply because they failed to read it carefully.

Visiting pets

In today's society it is not unusual to find many families who tend to humanize their pets. Sometimes feeling as if they need to schedule play dates for them. The one thing you don't want to do is suddenly have your house full of your friend's pets, such as dogs in your home. This can easily cause the landlord to get upset and feel that you have taken advantage of the lease agreement.

Clean up after all pets

I have seen that in some instances individuals allow others to bring their pets over, and they do not clean up after their pets. I have also seen tenants who fail to clean up after their own pets. This may seem like something small and simple, but you would be surprised at how many people fail to obey the terms of the lease and find themselves evicted.

Document all verbal changes

It may seem minor but if your landlord agrees to allow you to get a replacement pet, be sure that the terms are in writing. You will want to have a document that shows the changes in your lease, and be sure that it is dated. You don't need to hire an attorney to do this, but just have them write down everything they agreed to and both of your sign it. It may help to have a witness present that is a neutral third party and have them sign it as well. This will help you to avoid having any problems in the future if the landlord suddenly forgets what they have agreed to.

Best Starting

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