Tuesday, July 28, 2015

How to Wisely Find True Love Online

How to Wisely Find True Love Online
As the author of the book 199 Ways To Improve Your Relationships, Marriage, And Sex Life I have done voluminous amounts of research on online dating and online relationships. Based on this research and hundreds of conversations with people who frequent these dating sites, I have come to two definitive conclusions - 1) online dating is a dangerous sport and 2) not everyone you meet online will have the same character, morals and ethics as you.
This how to article is designed to improve your odds of successfully finding an honest person online, someone capable of offering you the true love that you so desire. By following these simple suggestions you will be much more capable of sorting out the liars and cheating spouses from the genuine people you seek to meet - while simultaneous protecting yourself from scammers, spammers (email-hunters), and sometimes even sexual predators that troll the dating sites in hopes of finding a naive and trusting soul.
  • 1) Create Secondary Accounts For safety and privacy every online user should have two email and chat accounts. One set of accounts should only be used for trusted friends, family, and business dealings with well-known and reputable companies. The other accounts should be used for everyone and everything else, including the next date you find online. The secondary accounts that will be used for meeting new people online should definitely not have your real name on them or contain any personal information like your address or phone number.
  • 2) Always Guard Your Personal Information Financial scammers only need a couple pieces of information to quickly build a complete profile on you. Your real full name, birth date, and the city you live in are generally enough to lead a good hacker to everything else he needs to run a successful scam on you, so be very cautious about what information you make public online.
  • 3) Be Patient Most low life people who are seeking to take advantage lack patience. They want to score quickly and move on to the next victim as soon as possible. So don't be in rush, don't give out personal information or contact information the first time you meet someone of interest, and don't be afraid to chat with someone new several times before beginning to trust them. Let the person you just met online know that you intend to move slowly. This will discourage less than honest people to move on to other people if their intentions are not pure.
  • 4) Do Research Once you meet someone of interest, you should want to get as much information from them as possible so you can check them out completely. Once you have their personal information you can use Yahoo search engine and websites like Pipl.com to see what else they are doing online. Search the web for their username, email address, phone number, their full name, and various shorter versions of their name.
  • 5) Use Search Image Since most people tend to favor one or two photos of themselves they often use their "best" photo on multiple websites. Normally by using your search engine's image search function it is quite easy to find several websites where the same photo has been used.
  • 6) Check Out Their Web Pages And Profiles Carefully Generally the really bad stuff like criminal arrests and sex offender registrations will pop to your attention quickly, but don't forget to use common sense when looking at a more normal person's web activities. For example, if a guy has dating ads on a dozen sites for the past 10 years then the odds are he will not be settling down with you anytime soon. Take the time to look through all their web activities as often the devil can be found in the details. Posts and profiles can often lead you to discover spouses, children, vices and other important details that may have been hidden from you.
  • 7) Test Their Honesty And Integrity Once you have discovered their website presence you will be better able to verify that they are who and what they say they are as well as being able to ask intelligent questions that test their honesty and openness with you.
  • 8) Verify Their Marital Status Whenever Possible In many counties and states it is possible to check marriage and divorce records online to verify that the person you are interested in is truly single. Don't hesitate to check out your next date. Don't waste your time, energy, or a broken heart on some cheating spouse or worthless sex addict that is only looking for a quick fling.
  • 9) Beware of Zero Web Presence Anyone who has zero web presence has likely created a new account for a new sting. Most real people should be tied into several of the common websites like Yahoo, Facebook, Twitter, MySpace, etc. and you should easily find some of their accounts by searching for their username, email address, phone number, real name, and photos online.
  • 10) Meet In Public Places The more people the better. Cheating spouses and sexual predators will always avoid public places and their nefarious activities seldom occur in their own localities. So for your own protection, use the web to verify that they are a local and meet them only in a very public place like a mall or theater.
Unfortunately I cannot guarantee you success in your next relationship. Yet I truly believe if you follow this advice you will be much more likely to find a real and honest person on your next attempt at online dating.

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