Friday, August 21, 2015

The Art of Sex Appeal

Follow these tips to increase your natural sex appeal.
Sex Appeal. The media worships it. Songs idolize it. Men and women strive for it. But how exactly does one accomplish it? Well, here are some tips.

Walk the walk. 

Walking is something we do every day. You might not think the way you walk makes much of a difference as far as sex appeal goes, but think again. A woman who walks with her head up, her hips swaying, and a bounce in her step is far more likely to be noticed. She will be seen as confident and assertive, increasing her appeal and giving her an air of competence. Men who walk with a bit of a swagger, with their shoulders moving in rhythm to their steps, are seen as dominant. With long, purposeful strides and a straight back, a man is automatically assumed to know what he's doing, and is far more likely to be noticed than one who is distracted or slumped over. People who walk with confidence are far more likely to be considered attractive, and a strong walk will almost certainly cause other people to be more respectful of you.

Talk the talk. 

Clear, precise speech is an indication of confidence, and will gain appreciation from listeners. People who babble, mumble, or trip over their words are more likely to be seen as nervous or incompetent, and will not be as respected as someone who speaks clearly with a purpose and a point to make. The key is to speak only when you have something to say; don't talk for the purpose of filling a silence or dominating a conversation. Don't punctuate sentences with things like "umm" or "like," as this will only dilute your point and lead to boredom on the part of your listener. A person who can tell a joke, share a story, or hold a conversation without mincing their words or mumbling will be considered attractive and entertaining, raising their sex appeal considerably and garnering respect from their audience.

Make eye contact. 

People whose eyes are constantly shifting or wandering to the floor or ceiling are naturally seen as being meek or inattentive. When speaking or being spoken to, maintain eye contact with the person or people near you. This shows that you are paying attention, and is also a sign of assertiveness and confidence. Making and maintaining eye contact creates an aura of self assurance; an attractive feature to potential mates. This principle has its roots in our most basic instincts, and can make a big, though subtle, difference in how you are viewed by members of the opposite sex.


Many people dislike their smile. But people who smile are more likely to be seen as outgoing and fun, and will attract far more positive attention than someone who is always stony-faced or expressionless. Smile often (though not too often- you don't want to look like a barbie doll) and make sure the expression reaches your eyes. Even if you don't show your teeth, a simple upturn of the lips now and then can make a big difference in how you are perceived by others. We are naturally attracted to happy people; biologically, happy equals healthy, which equals desirable.

Be confident. 

Overall, sex appeal has little to do with the way you look. The term "sexy" might as well be a synonym for "confident," because in the end that's exactly what it boils down to. Confident people are attractive people. Even if you don't feel your best, try to walk, talk, and look as though you do. Giving off an air of self-assurance is always going to attract positive attention from other people, whether your aim is to charm that special someone or impress your employer. So keep your head up, shoulders back, and smile--you'll be a heartthrob in no time.

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