Friday, August 21, 2015

The Ugly Truth About Woman

 The Ugly Truth About Woman

Why woman seem to hate each other

Woman are very competitive with each other, it's in our nature. We see all those magazines and how guys gawk at them and one of our fantasies is to be the male fantasy, and when that doesn't happen we try to throw other woman down to make sure men understand that even though we aren't on the cover of men's magazines, we are still superior to other woman. Why is this so important? Well, because all women have the reproductive organs necessary for a man to perform his "deed", we need SOMETHING that sets us above the rest. I have come to realize that this is what woman do, and because of that, I catch myself long before I do it. If you are saying to yourself that you don't do this, then you are lying to yourself. You know that at some point in your life you tried to make your friends boyfriend attracted to you. You may not have thrown yourself at him, and probably never will, but you like the idea that you COULD.

Why mothers are so critical of other mothers

I have never, in my life, seen such criticism surrounding parenting than I have when it comes to mommies wanting to compare themselves to each other. It is literally like world war three. If we were the more violent species, the world would be turned upside down because of it. I noticed it long before, but especially during, the airing of the teen mom series. There is less arguing about politics and religion. I mean seriously, check out a feed where it is regarding a mother and perhaps some parenting choices that alter from your own; it's like a zoo. Like I have stated before, woman all have the reproductive organs necessary to produce a child. Some have it a little easier than others, but we all have the equipment. If we see a mother who maybe leaves her child unattended for thirty seconds and they got hurt, drew on the wall, or said the "F" word; that mother automatically becomes the worst parent on the planet and we jump on it like a pack of hyenas to a carcass. It's like "oohhhhh, I was feeling insecure about myself so I'll just jump all over this lady to let the whole world know that I'm the perfect parent". 
Some maybe buy into that, I'm here to tell you, that I do not. The fact that you can't wait to point out flaws means you have some of your own. Swallow hard, accept your own reality, and try to fix it to your own view of what perfection is, and stop trying to throw other moms to the wolves. One thing that I love to say is that if you feel a mother isn't doing her job properly then try to help her instead of just talking about her behind her back. If you don't feel it's your place or responsibility to help, then it isn't your responsibility to say anything either; to ANYONE (unless of course you genuinely feel the child is being neglected or abused). A child drawing on the wall, a child crying, a dirty diaper, or a scratch somewhere isn't always an indication, calm down. A mother always loves her kids, but may not necessarily be in a position to care for them in the way that they deserve, moms need helps sometimes. If you want to be angry at somebody, be angry at the father, who obviously isn't doing enough. Remember, she didn't make the kids on her own. If you want to jump all over the fact that she chose the "wrong guy", and that's her flaw. Accept the fact that you got LUCKY enough to find the right guy, or the "righter" guy, and that's it.

Why woman are so competitive with each other

We use men for validation purposes and that's the biggest problem that woman have with each other. We place the decision in someone else's hands; it's like we're applying for a never ending job. As you can imagine, it's stressful, and other woman make us angry if we feel they are stealing our validation away from us. It's in our nature to feel this way. Psychologically men decide who they want their children to look and be like. We want to be appealing enough for men to want babies just like us. It may sound crazy but this truly is the reason why we are so competitive with each other and why we are so quick to judge each other.

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