Wednesday, August 26, 2015

The Secret Behind "The Secret": What "The Secret" Fails to Explain About the Law of Attraction

I'm not going to lie; I am a big fan of the law of attraction. Many people either groan at the idea, love the idea or maybe they just haven't even heard of it yet. Many people got their first taste of the law of attraction from the ever popular video and book called "The Secret".
When I first saw "The Secret", I definitely agreed that changing your perspective on life and the world around you can make life seem much more pleasant. And yes, I went around for the next few days with a little more "pep in my step". However, I had a really hard time buying the idea that if I just wished and wished with all of my might that I would get a check in the mail, I would get one.
"The Secret" is great in that it got people talking and thinking about the law of attraction, but it definitely does not explain the whole process.

What the law of attraction isn't:

The law of attraction is not about sitting around doing nothing and suddenly - poof - a check for ten million dollars manifests into your mailbox.
The law of attraction is not about being happy and blissful at all times on the outside, while wanting to scream and punch people in the back of the head on the inside - or being in total denial.
The law of attraction is not about standing in the mirror saying "I am thin and beautiful" when you look in the mirror and seriously regret that double fudge sundae you ate yesterday.

What the law of attraction is:

The law of attraction is deciding what you want, visualizing it, knowing that you will get it and wait to be inspired to act upon it.
The law of attraction is about acknowledging your emotions. Everyone gets angry, depressed or upset. The law of attraction does not teach us to be in denial of our emotions but rather to analyze them. Find out why you are angry or depressed. Chances are there is some deep rooted belief - perhaps from childhood - that keeps you from manifesting the life you want, therefore causing emotions such as anger and depression to rear their ugly heads. Emotions are a guidance system and should never be ignored or surpressed. Of course, just don't go around punching people that you're angry with. Try to find constructive ways to handle anger.
The law of attraction is about being thankful for what you already have that you do want. If you look in the mirror and don't like your jiggly thighs (I am totally guilty of this by the way!), stop looking at your thighs. Do you have a thin waist, or beautiful hair or a gorgeous smile? Focus on those things instead.
For instance, let's say your love life sucks. You want to find the man (or woman, but since I'm female, I will use man. You can substitute man with woman of course) of your dreams but all you attract are losers who either don't work, cheat, lie or they are just a star student in General Douchebaggery 101.
Keep in mind: This work can be applied to anything in your life that is not your ideal. It doesn't have to be dating. This can be applied to career, finances, relationships already in existence, to lose weight: Pretty much anything in your life that you would like to fix. But for the purpose of this article, I'm going to stick with dating.
Before you do any of the following, take a break from dating. You will sabotage your work if you go out on a date and the man turns out to be yet another jerk. This would be like building a house straight on the ground with no foundation. The house isn't going to last long and if the weather gets really bad, it will fall apart on you and you will think "Wow! I knew all houses suck!" Well gee, maybe if you had worked on that foundation first before trying to build the house, it wouldn't have fallen apart to begin with. So definitely stop dating before you do any of this.
First you want to think about how you feel about men. Do you think all men are cheaters? Do you think all men are lazy or liars or……you get the point. If that is how you feel about men, you need to take care of that first.
Have you met every single man on the planet? Of course you haven't, so how can you say that ALL men are cheaters, drunks, liars, ect? So first of all, stop thinking that all men are jerks. If coming up with positive thoughts about men is too difficult, try to adopt a neutral attitude first. Instead of saying "Men are such jerks" say, "Well I do know a few nice men". Even if these men that you know are married or gay or whatever, they are still men and they are still nice. I know you know at least one nice man. "So if those men are nice and they exist, then other nice men must exist". See? That thought feels better right? Just keep with these affirmations - say them aloud or just think them - until you finally think, "Hey, nice guys do exist. One day, I bet I'll meet one." Also be sure that you get to the point to where you believe it. You can SAY it all you want, but you have to believe it also. If you repeat this to yourself over and over - believe it or not - you will eventually start to believe it.
Once you are able to stop thinking negative thoughts about men, then you are ready to visualize. Start picturing yourself with your dream man. See yourselves on a beach, on a mountain or whatever scenery you prefer. Picture the two of you there, happy, laughing together. Feel how much you love this man and feel how much he loves you. In these visualizations Ffeel everything. His soft kiss. The wind blowing through your hair. Birds singing. Warm sun rays. The feeling like your heart is going to swell and explode every time he touches or kisses you. You get the idea. The more detailed, the better. Be sure that you look the way you do now. If, in your visualizations you picture yourself thinner, with longer hair or with any improvements, that is a belief that you are not loveable the way you are right now and that you can only find someone if you look like thinner, long haired fantasy you. That is one of those deep rooted beliefs I mentioned earlier that could be blocking you from getting the man of your dreams. You see, visualization is just a tool that you can use to dig up any resistances. Pay attention to your visualizations. If they feel totally good, then congratulations, what you want isn't too far behind. However, if there is something not quite right about it - pay attention, it could be subtle like making improvements to your looks or it could be major, like you're sitting on the beach, a prettier woman walks by and he leaves you buried up to your neck in sand so that he can chase the other girl - that will point you to your resistance. That is the very reason you don't have what you want.
Once you work through your visualizations and they make you feel really good - you will know when you are in alignment because thinking of this topic will send you into a state of pure bliss - then you are ready to start looking for inspiration to take action.

There is action and then there's "inspired" action.

Action is usually desperate. If you are a certain age and still single, you might be trying dating sites, having friends set you up or whatever. The point is that you are just trying to find someone. And if you are still in your negative frame of mind - remember the "Men suck" mentality - then you will only attract those sucky men that you hate. You will continue to repeat the cycle of dating losers.
However, if you clean up your mind and your visualizations you will suddenly have "nudges" to do things. This is inspired action. Let's say you pass this coffee shop on your way to work. You see it every day but never think twice about it. Then one day, you want to stop in there so bad. You don't know why but there is just something drawing you into that coffee shop. You decide to listen. You walk in, order a cup of coffee and suddenly a man you are drawn to - for some (at the time) unknown reason - walks into the shop and orders a coffee. One things leads to another and suddenly the two of you are talking. Everything seems great. He's really into you. You exchange numbers. You date for a while. He's awesome! A year later you're on the honeymoon of a lifetime.
When you stop clouding your mind with negative and draining thoughts, your intuition is able to reach you. It's able to say "Hey! What you want is right here! Just look! It's over there!" Your intuition is always trying to talk to you, but it can't get through all of those negative, self-hating thoughts. A happy mind is a clear mind and a clear mind can direct you toward the action you need to take to get what you want.
So in a nutshell, "The Secret" only scratches the surface of what the law of attraction really is. It is not wishful thinking and it is not living in denial. It is learning to be appreciative of what you have and loving yourself and others. When you love yourself and others and you show gratitude for the things you have, you will find that suddenly even more things to appreciate start coming into your life.
If you need proof, just look at some of the things going on in your life. What do you dislike about your life right now? Is it your love life, your weight, your bank account, your job? Now think about your thoughts on this subject. Chances are high that your thoughts on this subject are very negative. Try a small goal at first and work your way up to bigger ones.
What have you got to lose? Negative, self-hating mental chatter? If anything, the law of attraction teaches you how to quiet that chatter. Who wouldn't want that? Unless you like mentally hating on yourself, your life and everything in between. In that case, I doubt the Law of Attraction - or anything for that matter - will make you feel better. But if you're tired of your life not going in the direction you wish it to go and you're ready for real change, then looking into the Law of Attraction might be just what you've been searching for! Oh and be wary. There are a lot of "gurus" on the internet who will tell you this stuff but only for thousands of dollars. There is a lot of free information out there if you know where to look. Or maybe you can just intend to find free information. That worked very well for me.

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