Wednesday, August 26, 2015

How to Encourage Your Child to Read

How to Encourage Your Child to Read
One thing most all writers have in common is that we are voracious readers and the hunger for the written word started in our childhood. Not all good readers or even avid readers will grow up to become writers, but their horizons will be broadened by the fact that they love to read. Encourage your child to read and open up new doors of possibility for him with these tips.

Read Aloud Together

Start reading aloud to your child when they are very young and continue that habit even after they are well able to read on their own. Reading aloud together will help expand your child's vocabulary and initiate chats about the book. Help develop your child's speaking and reading skills even more by having him read a book to you.

Small Challenges

While it may be tempting to hand your tween a copy of War and Peace to read over the summer, if the literature is too far beyond their comprehension skills it will cause boredom and avoidance, not expand their literary skills. Provide small challenges to expand their literary skills little by little to avoid reading frustration and burnout. The goal of raising a good reader is to help them better grasp the written word and to instill in kids a simple love for and enjoyment of books.

Second Time Around

If your kid wants to read the same book again, let them. Something in that book is speaking to them and you can use the second time around reading to discover what it is. Perhaps it is just a fun, feel-good story that makes them laugh or reminds them of another place or time. Let them read the same book twice, three times or more if they want, just insist on reading a different book in-between the beloved favorite.

Audio Books

Listen to audio books in the car during travel time. It's not 'cheating' and is a better option than some of the music adolescents are filling their minds with. Interesting audio books will capture a child's attention and keep them engaged all the way through.

Visit the Library

Regular weekly visits to the library will encourage your child to read. The vast book selection makes them feel like a kid in a candy store with unlimited choices. Most libraries offer a weekly story time that will also promote reading at home and help you raise a good reader.

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