Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Rapid Weight Loss in Cats

 Rapid Weight Loss in Cats
Should I Be Concerned That My Cat Has Rapid Weight Loss?

Weight loss in cats can be worrisome for owners. Sudden weight loss can be even more so. The vet of course, is the best person to give a definitive answer on why the cat is losing weight, but there are a few things an owner can recognize that may help get the problem diagnosed a little more quickly. 

Sudden or rapid weight loss in cats can possibly be caused by some type of parasitic worm infestation. Tape worms are notorious for causing rapid weight loss in cats and dogs, but luckily can be dealt with fairly easily. When changing the cat litter box, you may notice rice-like particles in your cats stool. This, combined with weight loss, may be a sign that the cat might have tape worms. You may also see a worm itself which may appear like a flat, white string. Some may be quite long. Cats that have tape worms should be taken to the vet where they will more then likely be given medication that will kill the worms. The vet may also suggest that you wash the cats bedding and very thoroughly clean the cats litter box with a strong cleaning solution, or even purchase a new one and throw the old one away.

Another reason a cat may suffer from rapid weight loss is that it has an underlying medical condition or some sort of disease. There are a multitude of conditions that can cause the cat weight loss, including feline leukemia, types of cancers, kidney failure, which is more common in elderly cats, and anemia, among others.

One of the less life threatening situations that may cause sudden weight loss in cats can include mothers that are nursing kittens. They will almost always have some signs of weight loss, but should still be checked by the vet if it is a very sudden case of weight loss or if there any symptoms of illness. A nursing mother cat should always be offered extra food since her body is being taxed by feeding her kittens.

More serious health problems that can cause rapid or sudden weight loss are conditions such as kidney disorders, feline diabetes, heart problems or liver disorders. Cats are also susceptible to disease that humans contract, such as Crohn's Disease which causes problems in the intestines or stomach and make the cat unable to absorb the calories and nutrients in the food it eats. Rapid weight loss may also be caused by a malfunction of the thyroid gland.

Rapid weight loss that is unexplained should always be brought to the attention of the vet. He or she can rule out serious conditions and/or illnesses, and offer the best treatment options. Sudden or rapid weight loss that is accompanied by other symptoms may pose more of an emergency situation. Some of the signs of a more serious illness that can cause sudden weight loss in cats include the cat refusing to eat even the tastiest foods offered, a change in behavior such as lethargy or acting uninterested in its surroundings, changes in the coat or fur, increased thirst and stomach upsets such as diarrhea or vomiting.

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