Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Can Science and Religion Find Common Ground?

Can Science and Religion Find Common Ground?
In many people's minds, science and religion are two disciplines which have little or nothing in common with one another. Many Christians fear science as being 'of the devil'. Many scientists consider belief in the supernatural to be superstition. They believe that there is no evidence for God, therefore He cannot be real.

The Bible says, "In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth." (Genesis 1:1 ESV).

The biblical record tells us that God existed before anything else and, as Creator, He is the source of everything. All things rely on Him for existence. Without Him, there would be nothing. How would our view of science change if we looked at everything with the mindset that God is the Creator?

Science is not inherently bad; in its purest form it is simply the search for truth. Scientists have made some great discoveries and given us some wonderful things. Accomplishments in the medical field alone are significant and beneficial. Many things that enable us to live the lives we live today are the result of scientific investigation and discovery.

For the most part, scientific investigation begins with observation. This means that data is collected on observable phenomena; then theories are constructed regarding those observations. However, if these theories are based on a preconceived position against the supernatural, then researchers are forced to find causes that do not involve anything other than normal, physical forces. In other words, they begin with the notion that there is no God. Therefore, any explanation they postulate cannot be the result of a personal Creator, but must be explained by wholly natural causes.

Design is seen in everything science discovers or investigates. Design requires a designer. It is amazing that the wonders of nature can be attributed to mere chance and time. This only happens when one's presuppositions prevent him/her from allowing all possible theories equal consideration. The secular scientist will only consider non-supernatural explanations for what he sees. Science should be on the forefront of investigating the wonders of creation. A discipline designed to discover truth should be seeking the ultimate Truth.

The fear of the LORD is the beginning of knowledge...(Proverbs 1:7 ESV)
Science which rejects the existence of God is a perversion. If scientific investigation were conducted without prejudice against the supernatural, the evidence for the existence of God would be unmistakable. However, due to their preconceptions, skeptical scientists cut themselves off from finding the ultimate scientific discovery.

The scientific community needs more Christian members. Christians should not fear science. Science can never disprove the reality of God. The only thing it can do, when in the hands of non-believers, is create doubt and confusion in the minds of those not well-grounded in their beliefs.

There are some fine Christians in the scientific field, but they are the minority and many times their views are ridiculed by the secular scientific community. Nevertheless, Christians must not be deterred from entering the field of science. If we turn over all scientific research to non-believers, we place a very vital apologetic witnessing tool into the hands of those who believe we would better off without God.

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