Thursday, July 23, 2015

Crock Pot Meatloaf is Simple to Make

Crock Pot Meatloaf is Simple to Make
Crock-pot meatloaf is nice and moist! If you have never made a meatloaf in a crock-pot then you are missing out. It is very simple and easy to do.

First, make your meat loaf as you usually do. For mine I used a pound of meatloaf mix, which consisted of beef, pork and veal. I did not have breadcrumbs or even stale bread so I crushed Corn Flakes and added them. With no eggs in the house, I substituted just plain old water for egg. I added some seasonings like oregano, pepper and garlic.

Then I put it in my crock-pot and squished it down so that it covered the bottom. It was about two inches thick or so. I mixed a half cup of ketchup, a quarter cup of honey with a few tablespoons of yellow mustard. Once it was all blended together, I spread it over my meatloaf.

I turned the crock-pot on low at 7am and let it go. I went about my work as a freelance writer and wrote many articles while my supper cooked. That is the beauty of cooking with one of these. You can set it up and forget about it as you go about your other tasks at home.

By 10am, my house was filled with an awesome aroma and my mouth was watering. About 11:30, I checked it and it was done. Of course, I wasted no time in using a plastic spatula to get myself a piece.

The meatloaf was so moist and flavorful. There were no hard edges, which you usually get when you bake it in the oven. The slow cooking process allowed it to be very moist. With the sauce being able to slowly marinate down through the meat, it was superb.

Therefore, it took me four and a half hours to make this moist meatloaf. For a meal at suppertime, I would suggest starting it at noon or 1pm. I only used a pound of meat in a large oval pot so it cooked quicker. If you use more meat, watch it closely so you can gage the cooking time for the next time.

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