Friday, July 24, 2015

Crock Pot Soups Make Dinner a Snap

Crock Pot Soups Make Dinner a Snap
Every Kitchen needs a crock-pot for one-dish meals. It is so convenient and really helps me make better use of my limited time. Perhaps these crock-pot soups will make your life easier.

As a busy mom, I do not have time to spend hours preparing a meal that my family will quickly eat. I toss ingredients in the crock-pot and forget about it until mealtime. That makes my day easier and I can focus on the things I need to focus on like making a paycheck.

A basic soup I often make is potato soup. I simply chop up some potatoes and toss them in the pot. I buy chopped frozen onions and peppers and I toss some in there as well. If I have left over bacon or ham, which is not often, I will also add it. I add in powdered milk or some liquid milk. After adding a splash of salt and pepper, it is time to let it do its magic. I add enough liquid to cover the ingredients and set it on low.

After it has cooked for a while, I check it. If the potatoes seem to be too large to be bite size, I use an old-fashioned potatoes masher to break them down. After a few hours, I have a hot meal that is ready when we are ready to eat.

If you have a few pieces of chicken left over from supper one night, it makes an excellent soup the next day. I usually make lightly seasoned baked chicken for supper and usually make sure there is a piece or two left over for my soups. I de-bone it, and toss it into my crock-pot. I will add in some frozen vegetables along with chopped onions. After it has cooked for a few hours, I will toss in some egg noodles or even elbows. It is ready when we were ready to eat.

Even if the leftover chicken is barbequed, pieces can be tossed in. Simply add more barbecue sauce to the crock-pot, make the sauce watered down. Toss in some egg noodles and let it cook. The watered down sauce will cook the noodles and flavor them really well.

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