Friday, August 28, 2015

Use Feathers for Food Picks: Native American Appetizer Picks

Native American Appetizer Picks

Food picks aren't usually intricate things. Normally, there is something like a flower, a miniature playing card, a plastic animal, or another trinket on the end of each one. Thousands of different food picks can be purchased, and hundreds of them made by yourself, and none of it is complicated. No matter what the occasion, you can make or buy food picks that are suitable, and made or purchased, the picks are cheap. Because of that, it's not challenging at all to have appetizer picks for each special occasion, and picks that will fit right in with the theme of the party. Great for stabbing cubes of cheese, grapes, strawberries, and many other small foods, the picks are almost a must at a party. What else will guests do, pick the foods up with their fingers? So, let's talk about food picks for a boy's Cowboy and Indian party or picks for a Native American celebration. Feathers are a great choice and you don't even have to do anything to them. The quills make the perfect picks and the feathered area offers a colorful accent for nearly any appetizer.
Wispy feathers aren't the type that you need for making food picks. First of all, their quills are not long and stiff. Secondly, although beautiful, the wispy feather pieces tend to hang down, and no one wants feathers directly on the food. The best feather choice is the colorful, stiff type, made for creating an Indian headdress for a child. The feathers, available in blue, red, green, yellow, and other colors, are found at craft stores - online or in your community.
The feathers that you'll use for food picks don't need anything done to them except to be cleaned. Simply wipe each quill with a wet cloth, dry, and push the quill into the food. You can have the appetizers ready in minutes when you use the headdress feathers.
If you want the feathers to be more impressive, take the craft a little further. You can write or draw on them with a permanent marker, color the tips of the feathers with a gold or silver marker, use a rubber stamp to create an image, or even glue tiny beads on them. No matter how you decorate the feathers - or if you decorate them - they'll look great at your next party. Use all the same color of feathers or put orange ones in the cheese, green ones in grapes, red ones in strawberries, and so on.

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