Saturday, August 22, 2015

Six Things You Need to Realize by the Time You Turn Thirty

Six Things You Need to Realize by the Time You Turn Thirty

Stop tweeting about everything

Traveling, trying new things, and having fun are more important than texting, taking pictures, or tweeting about it. Put your phone away, let your hair down, and have some actual fun! Worried you won't remember it otherwise? Trust me, you will. When you get home later, jot down as much as you can remember about it, reading it again will have it all rushing back! I went on a long trail in a jeep, looked at beautiful scenery, laughed, and had fun. I noticed that one of my focuses was taking photos so I could remember it. It was actually stressful making sure I took "enough" photos of the "best" things. The best things can't be captured on film. Once you realize that, you can really start enjoying your life.

Start thinking about putting good in and getting good out

Start worrying about what you're putting in your body. Even if it seems insignificant because you're used to it, those hot wings, late night runs to dell taco, and weekend beers can really make a difference in the aging process. Eating healthy, getting enough sleep, and monitoring your alcohol intake should really start now. You wouldn't want indigestion, joint pain, or extra weight holding you back from what could be the best decade of your life now would you?

Don't be afraid of student loans

Student loans schmoodint loans. It may seem like a scary concept but who wants to waste their life doing a job they hate? If there is something you really want to do, do it! If you have to take out a student loan to do it, do it! You don't have much time left to change or make up your mind. There are always ways to offset the loan or make small payments (fifty dollars a month like yours truly). Having a fifty dollar bill every month seems like a small price to pay to do something you actually enjoy.

Don't feel ashamed if you aren't married with kids

Talk to any of your friends who are married with kids, and if they're honest people, they will tell you that they wish they had more time for themselves. If you aren't like them, you have all the time for yourself in the world; use it! These days it's not the end of the world if you aren't married before the age of thirty. Watch "how I met your mother" or "millionaire matchmaker" and you will see that I'm right.

Don't judge a book or movie by its cover

All the way up until I was almost thirty one I had very specific standards for movies and books. If they didn't sound or look like something I would normally be into I wouldn't watch it or read it. After being talked into some of the movies I've watched and books I've read I've realized that my horizons have been expanded by that more so than just what I took in from the specifics of what I have seen/read. I am much more interested and curious about other things that my set mind hadn't let in previously.

Your looks matter, a little

Sure, it's fun to put make up on and do your hair. It makes you feel better, like you have accomplished something and aren't afraid to be seen in public. If you're just going to pick up coffee or return a movie to redbox, you don't need to worry about any of that. Rock that bun, and your hoodie! Think about the most beautiful woman in the world to you. Is it just her looks that make her that beautiful? Or is it her politeness, intelligence, humor, effervescence, happiness, or her consideration? There is something else about her that is attractive besides just her looks, use it! I can go out with my messy bun, hooded sweatshirt, my smile, and make jokes with everyone, and I will still be more well liked than I can with my picture perfect make up and stressed out attitude.

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