As a child, I heard older adults talking about drinking pot liquor, which is the liquid, that is left over, after cooking salad greens, such as spinach, mustard, turnip and collards. This juice is very beneficial for our health, because it retains all the nutrients, that drain from the greens during cooking, as much as up to 50% of the nutritional value may be lost in the juice.
Pot likker, ( as it is also referred to), is said to have originated during slavery. The cooks in the big house, would serve salad greens to the plantation owner's family, and keep the delicious broth, that was left in the bottom of the pot, for their own families.
In my opinion, this gave the slaves a healthy way to balance their eating unhealthy foods, such as chitterlings. After hogs were butchered, all the good meat went to the slave masters, while the slaves themselves only received the intestines, which they cooked and called chitterlings.
In addition to being high in fat, and cholesterol, pork intestines are where insulin is found. Diabetics who have been prescribed insulin by a doctor, and obtain additional insulin from chitterlings, may be at risk, for an overdose, and even death.
Pot Liquor seems to be a staple of southern cooking. I can remember relatives dipping this left over broth, in cornbread. My mother in law referred to pot likker as a tonic that worked like a laxative. I recall Granny Clampett on The Beverly Hillbillies saying the same thing. My grandma agreed, and said drinking this liquid, would cure constipation, and keep your digestive system working regular.
To make sure I get optimum benefits from pot likker, I add a tablespoon of white vinegar, a table spoon of apple cider vinegar, a dash of garlic powder, and a dash of cayenne pepper to the cooking greens. It is also a good idea to make sure the greens have plenty of water.
After the greens are done, I pour the broth into a container. I allow to cool down just a little bit, because I like it warm. I then drink up. At first I thought this drink would taste bitter. I was pleasantly surprised, to find the taste was appealing.
I add pot likker to my home made vegetable soup. and there is also a recipe for pot liquor soup. By drinking the juice from the greens, I am assured of all their vitamin, mineral, antioxidant benefits. If you are into juicing, consider the broth from fresh cooked greens, as one more way to drink your way to good health.
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