Saturday, August 22, 2015

How to Get Rid of Insomnia?

How to Get Rid of Insomnia?
Hello to anyone reading,
I used to suffer from insomnia. In fact, I suffered for about 2-3 years, average 3 - 5 hours of sleep a night. I grew cranky, my grades plummeted, and I took frequent naps during the day, which only worsened the condition. In fact, my situation got so desperate that I started taking NyQuil, a medicine that you take during a cold. It has a side effect of drowsiness, which was my incentive. However, eventually, after hours of searching on the Internet, and months of implementing these ideas, I got rid of my insomnia, and it has not come back to affect me for 8 months now.

Below are some tips that will not only get rid of your insomnia, but they should improve your lifestyle and you will find yourself more happy and relaxed in the everyday world.


This is perhaps, the most obvious one. It does not take a highly developed brain to understand that exercising makes you tired, and so you sleep better. However, it goes deeper than that. During exercise, your muscles break down. It does not matter whether you run, swim, weight-lift, or even take a walk: if it is making your heart beat faster, it is tearing muscle. Mostly cardiovascular exercises contain a low percentage of torn muscle: while weight-lifting can cause very sore muscles. So once you exercise, you have torn muscles. Your body repairs torn muscles fastest when it is asleep. In fact, 4 hours of sleep will repair more muscle than 10 hours of rest, and more than 20 hours of just sitting around. So, when a muscle is torn, at the microscopic level, your body wants to repair it. This means you will sleep longer, and you will be in a deeper sleep, because the body reparations take place during deep sleep. Also, exercise is just good for you. Go online and you will find hundreds of benefits of exercise besides better sleep.

6-8 Hours

Do not sleep more than 6-8 hours a day. Most people that have insomnia sleep around 10 hours a day: 3-4 in the night and around 4-6 during the day with naps. This causes a large disturbance in sleep. Make sure to only sleep during the night, and for no longer than 6-8 hours. If you are having trouble falling asleep, put on some relaxing music, turn off all lights, and do extremely difficult math questions in your head. Studies prove that exercising your brain during the night before sleep will cause sleep to come more quickly. This is the main reason that counting sheep helps you sleep: not only is it boring and tiring, but you have to constantly visualize one sheep, which works your brain. Reading before bed helps a lot also. Just don't get a book that is so good you will stay up all night reading it! :)

No screen an hour before bedtime

Screens produce distinctly sharp light to the eyes, which confuses the brain. There is a hormone known as melatonin that controls sleepiness: the more melatonin in your bloodstream: the more sleepy you are. Light affects how much melatonin is being produced. The brighter it is, the less melatonin. This is because your brain thinks it is daylight, and you should stay awake. You can still sleep in the day if you are tired enough though, due to the eventual build up of melatonin. However, try to read or do yoga an hour before bedtime. It will relax you and guarantee a better sleep for that night.

Establish a circadian rhythm 

This means that you go to sleep at the same time everyday, and wake up at the same time everyday, even on weekends. This will help your brain realize to go to sleep at your bedtime: and you will find sleep to come to you more easily.

Follow these tips and your insomnia should be gone in 2-3 weeks. Just remember, it takes time. But don't give up, and keep on trying. Sleep is one of the most important aspects of our lives, and denying it can cause serious help problems leading to ultimately a sooner death.

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