Sunday, August 23, 2015

Get Better Sleep, Naturally

Get Better Sleep, Naturally
Sometimes poor sleep seems like an unfortunate ubiquity in our modern world. Trouble falling asleep, wakefulness at night, tossing and turning - these problems can leave us sluggish in our waking hours. But fortunately, there are non-chemical ways to make sure you get the restful shut-eye needed to be at your best.

Set Regular Bedtimes and Wake Times

Going to bed and waking at the same time every day - yes, even on weekends - helps your body maintain its natural circadian rhythms, resulting in more restful sleep. Avoid napping if you can, because it tends to increase insomnia at night. 

Establish Relaxing Bedtime Rituals

Calming rituals can help us let go of accumulated stresses and prepare our minds and bodies for rest. Make sure your bed and bedroom are comfortable and at a suitable temperature. Have a cup of hot tea, milk, or water; try aromatherapy or listen to soothing music. Some people find that listening to white noise e.g. radio static helps them fall asleep. 

Tune into Nature, Not Electronics

Our sleep-wake cycles are regulated by melatonin, a hormone produced and controlled by light exposure. Light from electronics like television or computers can disrupt our natural melatonin production. Combined with the mental stimulation from constant electronic exposure, it's no wonder so many people have trouble falling or staying asleep! So turn off your electronic devises at least an hour or so before going to bed, and keep your bedroom dark at bedtime. 

Establish Good Diet and Exercise Habits

Diet and exercise play a huge role in how you sleep. Consuming stimulants like caffeine too close to bedtime can keep you up at night, as can heavy meals or alcohol. Regular exercise may help you sleep more deeply, but avoid the stimulation of intense cardio workouts too close to bedtime. 

Consider Yoga or Meditation

Trying meditating or a relaxing yoga routine to get mind and body prepared for sleep.
With a little attention to your mind, body, and environment, you'll soon be catching more restful zzz's and feeling more refreshed and energized when awake!

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