Sunday, August 23, 2015

3 Habits I Changed to Lose 100 Pounds

3 Habits I Changed to Lose 100 Pounds
I lost over 100 pounds. It took about a year, a good exercise program that includes cardio and weight training, and adopting a healthy lifestyle. I made a lot of changes along the way. I want to share some of the habits I changed, because if I can lose weight so can you! Try implementing these small changes into your life to help achieve your weight loss goal.

Lose weight by redefining eating.

Did you notice I didn't use the word "diet?"
The best way to sabotage long-term weight loss is to go on a "diet." Drop the word diet or redefine it to mean the foods that you eat during the course of a normal day or week. "Diet" must no longer mean crashing through the fat barrier by slashing calories, eliminating carbs or eliminating fat. Diets don't work - not for long. Once you go off of a "diet" all the pounds you lost come right back and bring a few buddies with them.
Your new diet is all about making healthy choices. You will eliminate foods that pack on pounds and eat foods that are packed with the nutrition and energy your body needs.

Move it.

About 20 years ago Oprah was on one of her first weight-loss kicks. It worked because she worked out around 2 hours every day with celebrity trainer Bob Greene. Her weight loss didn't last, but I will never forget one of the soundest pieces of weight loss advice I have ever heard. Greene encouraged Oprah's fans to "Just move."
That's a valuable piece of advice. We are a sedentary nation. Think about how long you spend seated at your desk, in your car, or on the couch. Get up and walk to the TV to change the channel. Park a little farther from the store and walk. Take the stairs instead of the elevator. Every chance you get, just move. You will be surprised how many calories you can burn by making small adjustments to your activity.

Slow down.

Move when you are not eating, when it is time to eat, however, you probably need to slow down. We love our fast food. We not only want it delivered fast. We like to eat it fast. Slow down. Chew each bite about 20 times. Enjoy the taste. Don't have the next mouthful shoveled up on your fork before you swallow. Put down your utensil between bites. This forces you to slow down. Your brain may actually have the chance to get a signal from your tummy that you are full before you clean your plate. That means you'll leave calories on your plate instead of swallowing them whole.
Three simple lifestyle changes: making better choices about eating without "dieting," get on the move, and slow down when you eat. These are easy to implement and will make a difference as you change your life, lose weight, and improve your health.
Perhaps you have had a successful experience with weight loss. Share your simple tips to boost weight loss below. I'd love to hear from you.
Source: Personal Knowledge and Experience

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