Saturday, August 15, 2015

Embrace Your Fear of Failure to Your Advantage

Embrace Your Fear of Failure to Your Advantage
Fear can motivate or destroy. Accept that you are afraid and use these feelings to motivate yourself to succeed.
Imagine that you are sitting in a classroom waiting for your test to come back. You studied all night in an attempt to cram as much of the material into your head as possible. In the morning you walked in and sat the exam that has been on your mind. The teacher walks down the rows of desks handing back everyone's test. A feeling of dread fills you as the paper is placed before you until you look down and are surprised by a positive score.
Life is full of uncertainty. As hard as people try to keep control of everything happening in their lives the truth is that we don't control of detail. This can be a frightening experience especially if you're used to knowing exactly what you want to happen yet feel that it's just out of reach. Whether it is dealing with an exam that you don't feel you're smart enough to pass, the first time that you turn on the ignition of a car or even something as simple trying to talk to the guy or girl that you're interested in; there is hope.
Fear is natural. It has kept us out of harm's way since the dawn of humanity. However, disproportionate fear can paralyze you causing life to feel like a trap. When you find yourself obsessed with easily everything could go bad, stop. Just breathe. It's okay to be afraid but allowing fear to hold you back from self-actualization ultimately does more harm than good. It may sound hard and there will be times that it seems that it's too difficult to be brave but there are ways to make something positive come from your fears.
Think about the thing that is troubling you the most right now. Place it deep into your hand and pretend that you're in that moment. You can see it clearly playing out in your head. Now, tell yourself that you accept the challenge and are prepared to try whatever it is that's causing you so much grief. There is always going to be a risk in life but going forward but achieving a mindset that says that you are willing to live your life uninhibited by the fear of failure that has held you back for too long can only help you in the long run.
Stop living everyday like every little thing is out to destroy you. Take a deep breath as you get ready the day. Those feelings of self-deprecation will attack you at times. The moment that you feel the negatively sapping at your spirit remember that it's all in your head. Hold your head tall and walk out that front door with confidence in yourself.
Embrace your fear of failure by turning into a motivator. Use it as a vehicle for success by realizing that there is nothing to fear because you've got this and can handle any task that comes along. There might be some scrapes from time-to-time but living a life that laughs in the face is fear is one that is ultimately more fulfilling than that of a craven.

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