Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Nutrition Packed Foods You Should Eat Every Day

Nutrition Packed Foods You Should Eat Every Day
1. Greens for life. Greens are green, leafy vegetables that are packed with vitamins, minerals and fiber. Greens are a perfect combination from a nutritional standpoint and easy to incorporate into salads, soups and side-dishes. Some of the top picks include Kale, Collard Greens, Swiss Chard, Turnip Greens, Spinach, Mustard Greens, Broccoli, Romaine Lettuce and Cabbage. More and more, greens are emerging as the new, healthy choice and they're often inexpensive.
2. Eat antioxidant foods. Antioxidants are compounds that counteract the damaging, but normal, effects of the physiological process of oxidation in animal tissue. They are believed to prevent numerous medical conditions and are found in many common and surprising foods. Here's a list of the top 10:
1. Small Red Bean (dried) 
2. Wild blueberry 
3. Red kidney bean (dried) 
4. Pinto bean 
5. Blueberry (cultivated) 
6. Cranberry 
7. Artichoke (cooked) 
8. Blackberry 
9. Prunes 
10. Raspberry

The great thing about many antioxidant foods is that they are easy to add as in ingredient in a recipe or can simply be enjoyed on their own as a snack or side dish. An added benefit is that many beans not only have antioxidant properties, but provide a good source of fiber and various proteins and niacin.
3. Protein is good food. Protein is critical in your diet to sustain muscle mass. There are some obvious protein options from beef to pork, poultry and seafood but there are other choices as well.Here's the top 10:
#1: Chicken Breast (58g) provides 17g protein. Chicken Leg (69g) provides 18g protein. Chicken Thigh (37g) provides 9g protein.
#2: Fish high in protein per fillet : Tuna (22g) of protein, Salmon (22g), Halibut (22g), Snapper (22g), Perch(21g), Flounder and Sole (21g), Cod (20g), Tilapia (17g).
#3: Low-fat Cottage Cheese (5g) of protein, Low-fat Swiss Cheese (8g), Low-fat Cheddar (6g), Parmesan (10g), Romano (9g). *Low fat Mozzarella and Cottage cheese provide the most protein per calorie.
#4: Pork Loin (Chops) 5oz (33g) of protein, Sirloin Roast 3oz (28g) provides 23g of protein, Ham 3oz (28g) provides 18g of protein, 1 slice of bacon (8g) provides 3g of protein.
#5: Lean Beef and Veal (Low Fat) 3 oz (100 g) of protein, T-Bone Steak 3oz (28g) provides 19g of protein, 1 Piece of Beef Jerky (20g) provides 7g of protein.
#6: Tofu 3 oz (100g),
#7: Beans (Mature Soy Beans) 1 cup (100 g) of protein, Kidney Beans (17g), White Beans (17g), Lima Beans (15g), Fava Beans (14g), Black Beans (15g), Mung Beans (14g).
#8: Eggs 1 lg egg (100 g) of protein, 1 Egg White (33g) provides 4g protein, 1g protein to 4.4 calories.
#9: Yogurt, Milk, and Soymilk (1 cup) 100 g of protein, 1 cup skim milk (245g) provides 8g protein, 1 cup soymilk (243g) provides 8g protein.
#10: Nuts and Seeds (Pumpkin, Squash, and Watermelon Seeds, Peanuts, Almonds) 1 oz. (100 g) of protein., Peanuts (7g), Almonds (6g), Pistachios (6g), Sunflower Seeds (6g), Flaxseed (5g), Mixed Nuts (4g).
According to healthaliciousness.com
4. Get into grains. Here again, there are numerous grains including a few you may not be accustomed to eating. Grains can be prepared a variety of ways as a cereal, added to salads and main meals, served as a side-dish, or ground into a flour and baked in a variety of ways. Some of the trendier grains with significant nutrients include amaranth, quinoa, bulgur, millet and spelt. Traditional grains from wheat to barley to oats also provide good nutrition depending on how they are processed and prepared.
5. The joy of juicing. We've all heard the mantra when it comes to fruit and vegetables. "Eat 5 a day." It's actually not hard to do, but sometimes we manage to skip it or forget to count. That's where juicing brings a new benefit. Juicing provides a delicious and nutritious beverage that can easily satisfy the "5 a day" recommendation. There are numerous recipes, and with time you can experiment and develop your own. It's also a great way to get kids to "drink their vegetables."
Eating nutritious foods can be easy. It's just know what to purchase a prepare. Give these a try and see what kind of difference better nutrition can make.

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