Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Natural Ways to Quit Smoking

Quit Smoking Drug Free 
Quit Smoking Drug Free

Ways to quit smoking are almost like a bottomless pit. From patches to gum, to herbs and more, you'll find an array of things to draw from as you approach a new smoke free lifestyle. For myself, I found that the more natural methods were the most help. I've compiled a list of a few of them that may be helpful in your own endeavor to quit smoking.

By far the most effective natural thing I did to assist myself to quit smoking was to take up a running career. It was this uncanny feeling of being clean, but the clean I felt was coming from within me…from the inside. It wasn't long before I got addicted to that clean feeling instead of the lead lung feeling I got from smoking cigarettes. Before too long I was looking forward to my next run, and cigarettes seemed to fade out of sight and mind. It worked like a charm.

For a lot of smokers, the reason for smoking is stress related. I don't think I could've quit smoking without the help of yoga to quiet my mind, help me focus, and generally create a feeling of soundness and well being. The help I received from doing this was significant and for anyone trying to quit smoking naturally, I would include yoga in your strategy without a doubt. The gentle stretching that comes with yoga was stimulating to my entire body and also contributed to my "clean feeling within."

Twelve Step Programs
The twelve steps of AA are not only a great help for drinkers, but for multitudes of addictions. They have actually helped me gain control over obsessive thinking with regard to smoking, eating, and other control type issues. There are twelve step meetings night and day in communities around the globe. For smoking in particular, there are nicotine anonymous programs to address that specific issue, however, if you have trouble finding one of those, I find that a good al-anon meeting does me a world of good regarding healthier thinking. Reviewing the 12 steps and hearing positive thoughts on addiction from the others attending the meeting is effective self help that works well for me.

Avoiding the situations and circumstances that steer you toward a cigarette is another highly effective way to keep yourself from smoking. If your routine in the morning leads you to smoke, maybe a detour on your morning commute or other change in routine could be the answer for helping you to avoid lighting up. I found doing this extremely helpful in my own smoking cessation. If you want change, you have to change. Maybe avoid the break room at work or other work environments that lead to smoking for you.  

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