Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Amazing Genetic Discoveries

Amazing Genetic Discoveries
The personal genomics company 23andMe has released a list detailing some of the most worthwhile discoveries in the world of genetic research. Their list represents just a small portion of some of the most interesting advances in genetic research and their effects on human health and development.

Genetics influences an individual's health traits and chances for contacting certain diseases, health conditions and reactions to a variety of medications. It is understood that each individual case needs more research before specific information can be of value.

The genetic variations of the iris patterns in a person's eye revealed. During a study in Australia nearly 3,000 people had their iris patterns studied. The study showed certain iris patterns had what is known as "crypts" and "furrow contractions" as well as pigmented rings. No two irises are the same but it's the individual genetics that determine their iris pattern.

Gender may determine the type of health problems a person could encounter during their life. A Stanford research group analyzed data from one of the largest genome wide association studies. They found many genetic differences when it came to Crohn's disease and coronary heart disease to be gender based.

Genetic factors when it comes to autoimmune disorders were identified. Studies have shown the autoimmune disorders such as rheumatoid arthritis, multiple sclerosis, lupus may be based on genetics. Nearly half of the identified genes were associated with at least two of the different conditions.

South Asians get type 2 diabetes more often than Europeans. When it comes to diabetes is was discovered that individuals with South Asian ancestry tend to develop type 2 diabetes at much higher rates than people whose ancestry is European. A study of 60,000 people with South Asian ancestry identified genetic variants linked to type 2 diabetes.

Many Europeans have African ancestry. After examining the genetic ancestry of 80,000 people who were of European ancestry it was discovered that between three and four percent of the people examined had some amount of African ancestry.

According to genetic scientists this is just a sample of the possible future discoveries the study of genetics may offer in the world of personal health and human development.

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