Tuesday, July 28, 2015

My Top Picks or Ideas for Winter Wedding Themes - Winter Wedding Themes

Winter Wedding Themes
As an experienced wedding photographer I had pleasure to witness and participate at many very creative, unusual, fun, culturally diverse, and completely unconventional ones. This said, I have my own ideas or perspective on what could be a good theme for a winter wedding.

My three top choices are:

1) The masquerade ball on The New Year's Eve could be an excellent theme for young and creative people. 
The wedding guests can have as much fun as the bride and groom by dressing up in costumes and hiding behind the masks. They can be naughty and free and get away with a lot and be forgiven for their "bad" behavior right on the spot. This type of a wedding will take the pressure from the bride and groom to constantly entertain everyone and to worry about every single detail of the enterprise.

2) The historical period wedding, such as: medieval and ancient times, or renaissance is another great idea to take your mind off from the cold winter weather. 
It does not matter if you are a history buff or not, you still can recreate or "travel back in time" of your choice. You can create the atmosphere of renaissance, for example, with the décor, clothes, music, and food from that time period. You can even surprise your guests with the gifts hinting on that historical time. Everyone would be entertained and pleasantly surprised.

3) A fairy tale wedding is another theme, which could resonate well with the young crowd. 
The bride could dress up as Cinderella and lose her glass slipper at the strike of midnight, and the groom dressed as Prince Charming could chase her with wedding guests helping him to find her or jokingly misleading him, whichever case it might be. The party favors in this case could be little glass slippers key chains or edible candies shaped like them. The possibilities are endless.

Winter weddings could be a lot of fun, after all. Enjoy planning them!

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