Friday, July 31, 2015

How to Create Great Winter Makeup Looks

How to Create Great Winter Makeup Looks
The colors and looks you wear in summer may not work for winter. Create great winter looks with the right colors and tricks. Look trendy and add color to a season that's known for grays and browns.
Big Brows
Big eyebrows are in again, and they're the foundation of the best winter looks. Remember that big doesn't mean bushy. Your eyebrows should be two clean, gently arched lines. Pluck stray hairs to keep those lines clean. Lightly fill in and thicken brows with an eyebrow pencil or eye shadow. Choose a brow color that's one or two shades darker than the hair on your head.
Bright Eyes
Winter is a perfect season to make your eyes the focal point of your makeup. This is the best time for rich colors and metallic shades.
Bronze is a beautiful winter shade. It's colorful, it's warm, and it's got a little bit of shimmer to bring light to your look. Sweep the color beneath the brow or under the eye to make it stand out and show up. Pair the bronze with a tan or brown across the eyelid if you want to tone down the look a little.
If you want to add lots of color to your winter look, try plum. Purple is a great winter color and pairs well with green, blue, or brown eyes. The color is bright and festive, perfect for an evening look.
If you want to create a dramatic winter look, try silver metallic shadow. The shiny silver echoes the cold sparkle of winter, and adds light to your eyes to make them stand out.
Bold Lips
Bold lips are in this winter, but only when paired with nude eyes. If you're feeling like wearing a little less eye makeup, give your face a new focal point with bold lips.
Red is always a good winter color. It's bright, it's warm, and it instantly draws attention. However, not all women can wear a bright red lip. Get the same effect with a wine-colored or burgundy lipstick. A deeper red or a hint of purple will change your look entirely.
Winter Skin Care
Winter weather has a way of wreaking havoc on skin, and that makes it hard to apply makeup and keep it in place. Cold winds may dry out skin, causing redness and flakiness. Use makeup with moisturizer built into it, and moisturize your skin well before applying makeup. Exfoliate at least once a week to remove dry skin, and avoid that flaky look.
Don't forget about your lips, which will also become dry during winter weather. Moisturize your lips before you put on lipstick, which should also have a moisturizing base.
Use bronzer sparingly. As your tan fades you may be tempted to add color, but over-bronzing isn't the way to compensate. Add color to your look with clothing and makeup, not with lots of extra bronzer.

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