Friday, July 17, 2015

Great Ways to Introduce Your Child to Animals

Great Ways to Introduce Your Child to Animals
Introducing your children to animals doesn't have to be in the old conventional way of teaching out of a book. To make the learning process more interesting and fun, you can include a certain number of interesting activities. I've noted just a few of the many activities. Take a look.

Visit the zoo

One of the best places to learn about animals is the local zoo. Children get really excited when they can see live animals in all different colors, shapes and sizes. The incredible diversity of the animal kingdom encourages children to explore. They want to know everything about the animals - how they walk, how they hold their head, what they eat, where they live, etc.

So, if you want to make the most out of your visit and satisfy your child's desire, you must check out the zoo schedule. See if there are any animal shows or organized conversations with the zoo keeper. That way, your child can see the whole process of feeding the animals or to see the animals in action. At the same time, he can have a conversation with the zoo keeper about the life of the animals.

Do coloring and painting activities

To help your child grasp information about the different animals, you can involve him in coloring and painting activities. It's a known fact that children learn better and faster when taught through these kinds of activities. So, take paper and a set of colors and start with the learning lessons. If you want, you can draw out various animals while explaining the scientific characteristics of each animal. Then, show your child how to fill in the fields with different colors.

Here is another example of painting. Take a few large sheets of paper and water colors. Ask your child to put his finger in the colors and to draw any animal that he wants. Your child will have fun and gain knowledge about the animal world simply by using crayons or watercolors.

If you don't have time to draw or you don't want to, you can use the free animal coloring books that are available on the Internet.

Play video games

Children can benefit from playing video games. There are thousands of video games that are great learning experiences for the children. For example, one of the horse games available on the Internet is "Body Parts." This game will help your child learn about the horse's anatomy through playing. Clicking on the horse's body parts allows the player to hear sounds of the horse as he is galloping or walking. Or one can play the game "Create a Horse." In this game, one has to create his own horse by clicking on the body parts presented on the screen. It's very easy to play and very educational.

When introducing your child to new things, remember to use creative ideas as much as possible. That way you'll keep the child interested in the learning process.

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