Friday, July 17, 2015

Eye Health: 3 Proven Ways to Improve Your Vision

Eye Health: 3 Proven Ways to Improve Your Vision
If you search "how to improve the eye vision," you'll find lots of books and articles that include physical exercise, special nutrition diet and limiting the time spent in front of the TV screen. As we all know, it's quite impossible to stick to that kind of a lifestyle.

In this fast living world, we need to have eye exercises that are easy to perform. So I've made a list of the most effective and easy eye exercises. Take a look at the following suggestions.

Do exercises with your eyes

As every other muscle in the body, the eyes are muscles that need exercise too. Why? Because the frequent eye movement provides optimal blood flow to your eyes. So, you can do a workout by simply rolling your eyeballs in a clockwise direction 20 times. Take a rest for a few seconds and then make the same number of repetitions anti-clockwise. Remember not to move your head.

Focusing game

This game will help your eye adjust to far and near objects. For this game, you must choose some object that is one meter away from you. Don't limit yourself in choosing the objects. Find something that is interesting for you. The only thing you should watch out is that the object should be unmovable and at your eye level. Then try to focus on something else that is farther away. Take a good look at the second object in time period of 10 seconds. After you have done this, turn your focus back to the first object for another 10 seconds. Repeat the exercise 10 times.

Playing action video games

If you suffer from lazy eye or you have troubles driving at night, playing action games may improve your vision. Where is the evidence?

Well, researchers from University of Rochester say that people who play action games, such as first perso n shooter games , c an improve their vision. Yes, that's right. They claim that playing these games for a couple of hours per day for one month, can actually improve the contrast sensitivity function. This function is essential for driving at night or for reading activity. So, find some game according to your preferences and start your vision improvement.

Depending on your eye condition and the type of exercise you like, you can choose the one that fits you best. Once you do that, start applying it into your daily routine. Don't forget that the key for success is to practice on regular basis, every single day.

Anyway, if you don't feel any improvement, don't get upset right away. It doesn't mean that you can't improve your vision. Maybe you just need a different kind of exercise. You must be patient while trying to find the right solution for the problem.

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