Friday, July 17, 2015

Common Teenage Stressors Parents Must Be Aware Of

Common Teenage Stressors Parents Must Be Aware Of

Teenage related stress is in fact a bigger problem than most parents probably know. It is easy for children in their teens to be stressed over things that adults might consider petty. There appears to be a huge gulf between what stresses children and what parents know to cause stress in children. This creates a situation were kids can go stressed without their parents knowing. Perhaps the best way to guard against unnecessary stress in young people is to know what the stressors and the symptoms of stress are.

Stressors can be somewhat linked to causes of stress in teens. These are the different things that happen in children's lives that can easily induce emotional stress in them. The following are some of the top stressors in teenagers.

Dating in particular often leads to teenage stress simply because many teens are driven into relationships by peer pressure more than being ready for it. This places a relatively great amount of responsibility on their lives particularly male teenage children. Dating relationships may also force teenagers to impress their dating partner even though this could be clearly beyond their means. This may result in emotional stress. Parents have a responsibility to keep an eye and get involved whenever their children get into a relationship.

School Workload
Academic stress is apparently not to do with college students alone as stress statistics would show. Even though college freshman stress is widely reported and talked about, teenagers also suffer serious stress at school due to different things. Of particular note is homework and exams. These tasks can be very stressful to teens to the extent of a complete breakdown. Exams put a tremendous pressure to do well amongst peers and to please parents. The thought of consequences associated with failure even as an exam approaches can cause anxiety in children.

Financial Problems
This stressor can be at home in general or at a personal level. Financial problems at home may cause thoughts of vulnerability in teens who wonder what their future holds in the face of serious lack at home. This is made worse if teens in their active and prime years are nolonger able to enjoy things that their parents previously could afford. This socially alienates them from their peers leading to emotional stress.

As kids become adolescents, it would be expected that they would enjoy this transition in their life. This is not necessarily so and parents need to be aware of this. Changing biological makeup of teens can cause them to be a laughing stock among their peers. Not only that, the added responsibility that they recognize as coming with their maturity can also be stressful to them.

Symptoms to look out for that may indicate stress in kids includes alcohol consumption, drugs, and tobacco use. Kids may also start withdrawing themselves from their peer, family and friends. Stressed teen may also become reckless in as far as taking care of their hygiene is concerned. There are a variety of recommended stress relief activities that parents might consider to help keep teens refreshed, focused and energized.

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