Monday, November 17, 2014

We are Food Freaks!!!!

We are Food Freaks!!!!

Last night I went out for dinner with the girls. My weight conscious buddy, Monique, picked me up. As soon as she saw me she told me I looked great, I believed her, she’s one of only a few that say it genuinely. We were discussing many things on the way to the restaurant, most of which was gossip catch up. It’s funny our conversations always lead to weight loss. No, we are not boring, it is just that we are the only two members of our group who have ever needed to watch what they eat.

Monique is skinnier than me, but she does have a BMI over 25. We were discussing how hard it is to lose weight and why we are so obsessed with food. We are so obsessed that we even talk about being obsessed. After I had spent ten minutes describing my diet, and my success so far, Monique asked what I had planned to eat for dinner. I could have said salad, I probably should have, but I didn’t want to bind myself to that. Instead, I suggested that on our girly dinners the diet does not exist. We both agreed that would be a great idea.

We shared a deep fried Camembert, garlic bread and wedges, I don’t know if there was anything more fattening on the menu, if not we sure did a good job of finding it. To top that off I drank three bottles of wine cooler and had two cigarettes (no, I don’t normally smoke). Boy when I say no diet, I mean NO DIET!

Then just when I thought I was the most obsessed with food, Monique proved me wrong. We were comparing our new mobile phones and the photos that we had stored on them. Of course I showed everyone pictures of my kids and of my house. Monique showed me pictures of the food from the wedding she had recently attended, and the enormous dessert she had shared with a girlfriend recently…………………….. oh my god ………… I am not the only one!!!!!!!

Luckily I was far too embarrassed (and poor) to get cake after dinner, so I really didn’t do too badly. We spent the next half an hour in the car home, repeating our usual ritual of gossiping about the people that we just had dinner with. Especially the “low carb” couple, who made a point of leaving their potatoes on their plates and letting everyone know how much weight they had lost. Pity they will also lose their eyesight and limbs if they continue their fad for too long.

I had such a great night, I love catching up with friends, unfortunately, I also love the food that is involved with the catching up. But I refuse to let weight loss rule my life though, and plan to enjoy these nights out in the future. That is why you cannot deprive yourself it must be realistic!!!!!

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