Monday, November 17, 2014


Here is a list of my favorite tips to remember when you are on a diet:

1. Don’t expect your husband/ partner to notice your weight loss straight away. Remember, they can’t even find items that are staring them in the face, they are blind, don’t take it to heart!

2. Don’t play mind games with him either, you will only get hurt, they are simple creatures, they do not have ulterior motives. If he says, “you look fine” then you look fine.

3. Don’t buy clothes that don’t fit you, as an incentive. It doesn't work. I have various pairs of trousers in my cupboard which are no longer fashionable. My expensive “surfy” cord trousers have a waist so high, that even if they did fit me, I would be the queen of camel toe. Just give yourself other incentives instead, like days out, hairstyles or facials. These are a lot more satisfying!

4. Do not buy share packs of chocolate bars, it doesn't help, you will eat more than one at a time, come on you know you will. And by the way two snack size bars equate to one normal sized chocolate bar, I found this out the hard way. I was sure it was around five to one.
5. Don’t buy something because it says 95% fat free, this is a scam. Look at how much the product weighs, for example, a large choice milk is 600mls if they advertise it to be 95% fat free that means it must be 5% fat, 600 x 5% equals approx 30 grams of fat. This is massive, so watch out!

6. Now I am still grasping this one myself. If you feel like a treat have one, a small one. Do not go round the house, eating everything in sight as an attempt to avoid the Mars bar in the fridge. The truth is you will eventually eat the chocolate anyway, so this way you avoid all the stuff in between.

7. Don’t spend hundreds of dollars on weight loss, branded foods. There are plenty of less expensive options just read your labels.

8. The last, but not the least, don’t tell everyone at work that you are dieting; you do not need the stress. You especially don’t need everyone in your office looking at your weight loss each day, or watching whether or not you are sticking to it. Plus, if no one knows, you will be pleasantly surprised when someone does notice the weight loss, that way you can feel confident that it is genuine.

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