Saturday, August 22, 2015

When Should You Introduce Your Dog to a Doggie Play Date?

When Should You Introduce Your Dog to a Doggie Play Date?
As the name suggests, a doggie play date is meant to be a fun, interactive event. Both dogs must gain something positive from the experience. When should you introduce your dog to a doggie play date?

My Experience as a Pet Sitter

As a pet sitter, I am a firm believer that a socialized dog is a happy dog. Unfortunately, some dog owners do not take the time to introduce their dogs to others at an early age. Failure to do so can stunt a dog's growth and make them fearful or aggressive whenever they see another dog.
If you have not socialized your dog, and are afraid of how he will react when introduced to a doggie play date, consider registering Rover in a few classes, to get him up to speed. Be patient with your dog and work with the dog trainer to help him overcome his fears and feel more comfortable around other dogs.I have taken dogs out on a doggie play date when both were fully comfortable in each other's company. I would not have taken the risk had there been even the slightest hint of aggression. 

How Does Your Dog React to Other Dogs During Walks?

A good indicator that your dog is ready to meet a doggie play date is when he comes across another dog during a walk and does not react nervously or aggressively. Sniffing is fine when dogs are first introduced.
However, if sniffing is followed by growling and other acts of aggression, this shows that your dog is not yet ready for a doggie play date. He will need more time to get used to being around other dogs, and will have to learn how to behave in an acceptable manner.

How to Introduce the Doggie Play Date

Once Rover has been socialized and has proved that he can be trusted not to attack or intimidate other dogs during walks, you can start thinking about introducing him to his new doggie play date. Pick neutral territory for the first introduction, such as the local dog park.
Invite the other dog owner and their dog over to the park and see how the two dogs react during their first meeting. Allow them time to get to know each other before you take them out together for a walk, keeping them on a lead at all times until you feel comfortable letting them get up close to one another. It may take two or three visits before you feel comfortable letting your dog go for a walk with his new doggie play date. It is important to keep a close eye on both dogs to ensure that they are a good fit for each other.
A doggie play date is a fun way for dogs to get together and interact. However, in order for this to be a success, you need to gradually build the groundwork so that you choose the right time and place. An unprepared doggie play date can go badly wrong.

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