Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Vegetables that Fight Wrinkles

Vegetables that Fight Wrinkles
Baby boomers, are those of us where were born between 1948 and 1964. Boomers have now begun to enter into retirement age. And many of us are not growing old gracefully. Recent studies indicate that more than 70 million baby boomers, will spend up to 15 Billion dollars on anti-aging products, by 2015.

One of the biggest issues with aging is wrinkles. Unfortunately, many individuals accelerated wrinkling because they spend tremendous amounts of time, in the sun, and smoking during their youth. Instead of spending extravagant sums of money on anti-aging, anti-wrinkle products, however, aging boomers need look no further than their Vegetable bin, to fight wrinkles.
A 2007 study which was published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, indicates that eating vegetables which are high in vitamins C have been linked to fewer wrinkles. Vitamin C is an antioxidant, offers protection from sun damage, and builds collagen. Vegetables which are high in vitamin C include:Brussels sprouts, green peppers, red peppers, cauliflower, tomatoes, and broccoli. 
Replacing red meat with beans and lentils, as well a olive and other vegetable oils has also shown to be beneficial in preventing wrinkles. In one study men and women over age 70 who ate a high level of vegetables were shown to have less wrinkles than those of the same age, who did not eat a lot of vegetables.
Instead of testing skin on the face and neck, the hands were utilized to validate the study.
Eating healthy will not bring forth the same result as cosmetic surgery, but it will help seniors grow older looking more naturally youthful. I have been shocked in recent months to see the number day time TV stars, celebrities, and eve popular television ministers, whose plastic surgery has gone awry.
I personally do not want my mouth to look like Jack Nicholson's portrayal of the Joker in the movie Batman. I would rather have a few lines, wrinkles and sags, than have my cheeks look like balloons have been implanted. And I certainly do not want my eyes to look like they are about to pop out of the sockets.
Eating vegetables and fruits, lentils and using olive oil will take longer for results to be noticed, than with plastic surgery. I personally believe his is a better choice, than instant gratification from risky cosmetic procedures. Kanye West's mother died from complications of plastic surgery that he had paid for. 
I have been replacing red meat with beans, and lentils, and eating more vegetables and fruits, for several years now. I have received many complements from those who say I look younger than my almost 56 years. 
Vegetables can also be used as facial masks to rejuvenate skin from the outside. Honey and egg whites tighten and firm sagging skin. Rubbing a banana peel over the face, or adding banana to a homemade mask, will give an instant temporary reduction in wrinkles for a night out. 

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