Sunday, August 9, 2015

Skiing Tips for Beginners

Skiing Tips for Beginners
Gliding through a mountain, on fresh powder with the beautiful but barley glistening sun on your face, is a feeling like no other. Learning to ski can be awkward and exhausting on the body. Boots pushing you forward, but the weight of the skis pushing you backward. Here are some tips for beginner skiers, to help avoid common mistakes many make, I know I did.

1. Stance 

Balancing when learning to ski can be hard, boots push forward and weighty skis push you backward. Skiing should be effortless, not exhausting so try finding a stance that feels as no work is being done, but is also firm and stable. This allows maneuvering down the mountain and stopping when needed easily. Cant figure it out, try bending your knees, this often centers your weight over the skis. Many skiers make the mistake of locking their legs up this takes away from their balance, agility, and control.

2. Beginners Trail 

It's important to start out on the trail designated to your skill level. Theses trails are outlined by shaped colored pistes a green circle means beginner, blue squares are for novice, and black diamond's single or double are the most difficult trails for experts only.

3. Driving Rule 

Just like driving a car, always look straight ahead at the trail, about ten feet in front of you, is the general amount recommended.

4. Don't Be Afraid to Fall 

What doesn't kill us only make us stronger, and that is the case when it comes to skiing. Falling is just part of the sport and learning process, so don't walk on eggshells when it comes to learning. Practice not falling forward or backward but to your side to prevent injuries.

5. Learning 

The key to becoming a pro at skiing is practice and patience, which means it takes time, so don't get frustrated when it's not coming as easily as you wish. Try to get lessons from a professional instructor and not a loved one or friend. That is how many people develop bad skiing habits.

6. Dress for Success 

The snow is freezing especially when falling in it. Try to rent or buy the following clothes: Gloves, beanie, thermal pants, thermal shirt, sunglasses for sun, goggles for clouds, snow pants, and jacket.

7. Enjoy Yourself 

The most important tip of all is to enjoy yourself, remember the reason why you're learning to ski.

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