Friday, August 21, 2015

Six Super Bowl Party Do's and Dont's

Six Super Bowl Party Do's and Dont's
It's that time of year again! Time to whip out those football jerseys, eat lots of hot wings and root for your favorite team in the Super Bowl. Many of us will be attending Super Bowl parties, if not having one of our own, and it makes us wonder... Is there such thing as Super Bowl Party etiquette?
Here's a list of some party do's and don'ts:

DO: Have lots of food! 

Let's face it, we all like to munch on junk food while watching the game. That's part of the fun isn't it? If you're throwing a party, make sure to buy enough food ahead of time and have a variety of easy snacks.

DON'T: Show up empty handed!

If you're attending a party, it's rude to show up empty handed. Bringing some kind of food or drink is always a nice gesture. It's almost like a "thank you" for the party invitation.

DO: Decorate!

You're already excited to be watching the game, why not throw up some decorations? They always add a nice touch to any party, and certain party supply stores, like Party City, have all kinds of decorations with your favorite team's colors and logo.

DON'T: Be a party pooper!

If your favorite team didn't make it to the Super Bowl, so what? It's still fun to spend time with friends and watch football. Just make sure not to show up to anyone's house with a party-pooper attitude or make complaints every five minutes. If you're not in the mood to have some fun, stay at home.

DO: Have a few beers!

Today's the perfect day to drink some beer to accompany that junk football food you're having. If you're throwing a party, ask everyone what they like to drink or buy a few different kinds of drinks. If you're attending a party and happen to be extra picky, you can take your own drinks with you.

DON'T: Have a few (too many) beers!

Yes, part of the fun of watching the Super Bowl is having a few beers, but leave it at that… A few beers! Getting drunk during the game might be fun for you, but not so fun for those around you. Have some consideration and try to control yourself.
The main point of having, or attending, a Super Bowl party is to have fun! Even if your all-time favorite team doesn't make it, the Super Bowl only happens once a year, so enjoy it to the fullest.

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