Saturday, August 22, 2015

Say Goodbye to Acne in 4 Steps

The following are ways to treat acne naturally. The methods include avoidance of unhealthy foods, switching to organic wholesome foods, using natural topical treatments, and stress reduction. I am not an MD, and the information is not FDA approved.
Acne is a condition that plagues everyone at any age. You can treat it with drugs and chemical creams that superficially treat the symptoms or you can make major lifestyle changes -which get to the root of the cause.

The Causes of Acne

Acne has three main causes they are hormonal changes, stress at work, and school, and further very bad dietary choices. If you can reverse these or learn to deal with them in much better ways you can start to stop acne from forming.

4 Techniques to Stop Acne

The three techniques to stop acne are:
  • 1. Avoidance of Bad Foods
  • 2. A Good Wholesome Organic Diet
  • 3. Natural Topical Treatments to the Face
  • 4. Stress Reduction Techniques

Fast Food has Growth Hormones

As a young man in his teens, I ate fast food on a day to day basis. When you're young the tasty fast food places are convenient and delicious. But is it worth the cost of severe acne covering you from cheek to cheek? Understand that fast food meat is full of growth hormones; which are put into cows, and chickens to make them grow- unnaturally fast.

Growth Hormones Worsen Acne

While a teen you're going through hormonal changes and so by taking additional hormones -from this Frankenstein process of fattening up the animals- you're adding fuel to the flame of your condition. You're basically overdosing on hormones; therefore you're feeding your acne. Give up fast food meats; you must eat organic or kosher meats, or at least hormone free grass fed meat.

High Cortisol Levels Cause Acne

Further, when you drink the soda pops from the supermarket- or the fast food restaurants- you are raising your insulin levels and increasing you're cortisol levels. Cortisol is a stress hormone, the more cortisol you have the more stress -and thus the more acne. I ate all these things as a teen and my face erupted like a volcano.

An Organic Wholesome Diet Heals Your Acne

If you want to reduce and stop acne from forming start shopping at Whole Foods MarketMother's orTrader Joes. At these stores you can find organic meats, sodas sweetened with Stevia - which is an alkaline and sugar free herb. Further you can find wholesome fruits, and vegetables - buy organic if you can. The best foods for acne include foods with zinc, green tea, Omega-3 fish oils, antioxidants, and selenium.

Natural Topical Treatments

If you want natural methods you can use apple cider vinegar mixed with water on your pimples. This treatment is anti-bacterial, and anti-fungal. Aloe Vera will reduce inflammation and swelling on your face and ice is good because it reduces swelling and forces the bacteria out.
These treatments are great because they are inexpensive and easily available. Further I'd recommendGrandpa's sulfur soap -which is also great for cleaning the face.

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