Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Learn to Win Over Your High Efficiency Appliance

 Learn to Win Over Your High Efficiency Appliance
Just like all things we need to clean and do check-ups regularly to maintain the machinery that we depend upon every day. The high efficiency appliances require more than just a quick flush of bleach through a hot cycle like mom does to clean it out. Any washing machine, garbage disposal, dishwashers, or any type of machine that retains water at some point in time will need proper cleansing. Grit and grime that remain inside of these appliances can be harmful. Today's high efficiency appliances should be cleaned with a substance known to remove and prevent odor causing residue and get rid of the grit. Companies like Tide and Clorox make products to gently clean the tub without destroying the rubber seal; while removing odor and grime. When all else fails or when you are on a budget the old remedy of vinegar, lemon, or bleach should temporarily do the trick.
On the flip side, these appliances cost a lot of money and the more gadgets it has don't necessarily make it better. Repairs can be a nightmare and what use to be an easy fix is now more complicated. For example, when an older washing machine goes into shock, we do what we can to keep it from going to appliance heaven. We make a call to the best repairman just to have him come in and replace a belt, hose, or give us the bad news of the barrel being shot. It was that simple... but not anymore. The new and improved appliances do justice when you purchase it and all is going well; however when you hit that first bump whether it is within the first year or over the next three years it can be a disaster for your pocketbook. High efficiency appliances cause a lot more trouble than what they are worth. You have to fix the fancy board, belts, wires, hoses, buttons, etc... although the washing machine is doing more to clean your garments with all of the multifunction that makes our eyes glisten, it can make a hole in your pocket.
If you want to keep your appliances working for its life value, then you will have to keep it cleaned and do check-ups. It is fair to say that if you are going to purchase a high efficiency appliances make sure you fill out the registration form and send it in because you will need that it eventually to help out with those repair costs that are surely to follow. In the mean time use affresh to keep your appliances clean of odors, grit and grime.

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