Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Is Your Personal Trainer Right for You?

Is Your Personal Trainer Right for You?
Many of us made the old traditional New Year's resolution to lose weight and get in shape. Some of us even took the resolution to the next level and hired a personal trainer to help us make good on the promise to ourselves. But how can you tell if your personal trainer is right for you? Use these guidelines to discover if you've made a good choice, or help you make the right choice for a personal trainer in the future.


If someone is going to help manage your health and fitness they need to be qualified to do so. Make sure the person you select has a degree in the fitness field or is certified by a reputable organization like the American Council on Exercise. A qualified person will be up to speed on techniques, nutrition and injury prevention.

Nosey Nellie 

A Nosey Nellie is a good thing when it comes to personal trainers. You want someone who is going to ask a lot of personal questions about your past and present health, medications, injuries, dietary concerns and everything else that may have an impact on the way you exercise.

No Tyrant Trainers 

Getting into shape with a trainer should be a collaborative effort. The trainer should come up with a fitness program designed specifically for you with the aid of your input. If the trainer is a tyrant and does not listen to your input but demands you do it his or her way, drop them like the weight you want to drop and look elsewhere for a trainer.

Too Good to Be True 

Just like the old sage warning; If something is too good to be true, it probably is. If a personal trainer promises to take you from flab to fab in 30 days, beware. Weight loss, fitness and overall improved health take time, slow and steady always wins the fitness race. Look for a trainer who will stick with you for the long haul.

Too Cheap 

Sure we want to save money, but cheap is not always better. Prices between trainers and fitness facilities should be close to the same across the board. If the price is too cheap, pass it up and keep looking for a personal trainer that is right for you.

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