Saturday, July 11, 2015

Wind Power Home Secrets Revealed

Wind Power Home Secrets Revealed

Have you ever wondered about the pros and cons of wind power for your home? Have you ever wondered if you could actually do it yourself?

First you need to ask yourself a few questions. Are you handy? Can you follow directions? If you answered yes, you are ready for the next step.

Are there any regulations in your area about wind power generating devices? You may want to make a few phone calls. Some areas have height restrictions.

OK, let’s ask the last question. Is your home in a good location for wind power? You will need an average wind speed of around 10 or 11 miles per hour to make this project worth your while. You will need a place to put the wind power turbine. Now this will depend on how elaborate of a system you want to install. Will you try to make enough wind power to run your whole house, or are you just trying to power say a small shop? Or maybe you want to supplement the power that you are getting now. You may need a location for a tower or maybe you will mount it on a roof top.

Still with me? Now you are ready. Go on the internet and spend months and months reading about wind power systems. And then spend months and months trying to build your own system. No just kidding. It has already been done for you. Michael Harvey of Earth4Energy has spent a lot of time putting together an easy to follow system that he tested on some regular home owners. And they were successful. The program has instructions, videos, and support, just in case you get stuck! Michael has even included ways to get the parts that you need at the best prices (or even free).

This is one of the hottest selling programs on ClickBank, the most trusted name in online sales. And if you find that you just can’t do it, or are not satisfied for any reason, you can get a no questions asked 100% refund.

The cost? Right now it is on sale for half price. I am not sure how long that will last. So the price for now is $49.97. Less than the price of a night on the town.

So $49.97 for the system. Around $200 to build and install. And you could be saving up to 80% on your energy bill! Do the math and see how long it will take you to get that money back!

I have put some videos on the site of home made wind power systems for the home. Check them out and see how excited the people are. I am not sure if they are more excited about saving money, the satisfaction of building them, or the good that they are doing for the environment! You decide. Here is the link for that page: Home Made Wind Power Videos.

Seems like a nobrainer. Join the thousands of people who are saving money and saving the environment. Here is the link: Earth4Energy.

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