Monday, July 20, 2015

Top 5 Things to Do After Getting Engaged

Top 5 Things to Do After Getting Engaged
Once the excitement of getting engaged has subsided, reality will soon begin to set in. You now have a wedding to plan, and the thought may be overwhelming. If you have a year or close to that, you may have a little time before you need to start the planning process. Still, the second you say "yes", you have a few things to do first and foremost--whether you have three months or three years before the big day. What are the top five things you should do after getting engaged?

1. Announce your engagement. Traditionally, the bride's parents are the first to be informed when a couple is engaged. I wanted to talk to each of my parents individually, so I called my mom first, then I talked to my dad. While I talked to them, my fiance called his parents and, after that, our siblings and friends were informed. You may also choose to announce your engagement in the local newspaper (usually done by the bride's parents), a website or an engagement party.

2. Protect your engagement ring. If you are worried about your ring becoming lost, damaged or stolen, you may want to have it appraised and insured. Another thing to consider, if your engagement ring does not fit properly, is to have it re-sized. It comes free with many care packages, and it can take about three weeks to get your ring back--so take that into consideration if your family or friends want to see it first.

3. Choose a wedding date. You will need to talk about a time frame for your wedding date, even if you don't choose an exact date right away. First, determine whether you want to get married in a few months, or even a few years. Talk about a month or time of year that would be ideal for your situation. For example, we know we want to get married within a year, and summer would be ideal, although we are open to a fall wedding, as well. The shorter the engagement period, though, the more quickly you will need to get busy with wedding planning.

4. Get back in shape, if needed.
Getting engaged can be a great motivator for getting back into shape. However, if you have a longer engagement, you could lose your motivation months before the wedding. Figure out a game plan: Come up with goals and think of ways to achieve them. Make sure you eat healthier as well as hit the gym. You will have much more energy to accomplish your wedding plans in the months to come.

5. Interview wedding coordinators. Not everyone wants, or needs, a wedding coordinator; however, those of you who would like the extra help with planning your wedding should start interviewing potential candidates as soon as possible. Choose someone who has a similar personality and style to yours for the best fit possible.

There are dozens of things you need to do before your wedding, but these five things are some of the first you should do once you have become engaged. Of course, your situation is unique and you may or may not choose to do some of these things, and there might be others you would consider top priorities after getting engaged. This list is simply meant to be used as a guide after you first become engaged.

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