Sunday, July 12, 2015

Solar Powered Lights

Solar Powered Lights
 The nice thing about technology is that things are always moving forward. Some things faster than others, but still, it only gets better. Such is the case with solar powered lights!

Looking back I imagine that solar powered lights looked and acted pretty worthless. How things have changed. They last longer, don’t take as much sun, and are better looking.

Let’s take a look at some of the advantages of solar powered lights.

No wires to run.
So that makes them good for remote locations. It makes them easy for even the novice to install!

You can install one at a time.
Let’s say that you are working on a landscape project. Normally you would spend many hours planning and designing a plan. Then you would have to figure out the voltage drop per wire and all kinds of other calculations before you start. You would really have to install the whole system at one time. You really should hook it all up above ground and look at it for a few nights before you go to all of the trouble to bury the wires. Just imagine trying to change something once you had all of the wires buried!

Well with solar powered lights you simply push them in the ground one at a time. If you change your mind, they can be easily moved. If money is tight on your project, you may purchase a few at a time as money allows. No need to worry about whether you will have enough power for expansion as each light is independent. Oh, and when you install and walk away, your lawn is not torn up from burying wires!

As with everything the price comes down as the technology goes up. Sweet. The lights look better, last longer and they are environmentally friendly. Once you buy solar powered lights, you are finished spending!
Some hard wired projects may be out of range for a do it yourselfer. That would require that you hire an installer. Ouch! No so with the solar powered lights. ANYONE can do that project.
Let’s say that you spent a lot of money on solar powered lights and then you have to move. Well you could just pick them up and take them with you if you like!

Time to install.
Imagine all of the time you will save. No complicated formulas to figure out. No wires to run. No separate power pack.

OK, this all sounds great, but are there disadvantages? Sure.

Normally solar powered lights are not as bright as regular lights. If you were looking for a bright security light, they may not be the best choice.

Length of light.
They do need light to recharge. So if you have a very cloudy day, you may not get as many hours of use. This is becoming less of a problem as technology increases, but it is still a consideration.

OK, that was an advantage, but it could also be a disadvantage. If you live in an area where thieves visit, they would be easy to steal, and sell or reuse.

Overall solar powered lights are becoming more popular for many reasons. Save money and help the environment at the same time. Easy to install. As technology increases solar powered lights will become even more popular. Take a look at them today for your lighting needs.

Where to Buy.
You can buy solar powered lights in the comfort of your home right on eBay or local market! Safe and secure.

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