Thursday, July 16, 2015

Is Functional Fitness Safe for Me?

Functional fitness is designed for those who simply want to exercise to improve their health and quality of life. This form of exercise is meant to help you get through your daily activities easier. However, it is still exercise, so it may not be for everyone. Of course you will talk to your doctor before starting any exercise program, but it is also important to learn more about the program so that you can become familiar with any limitations you may have within the program. Here we will explore these limitations. 

Type of Training Involved
When you are doing traditional exercises, you tend to focus on one area. For example, when you are doing a bicep curl, you are focused on the bicep only. With functional exercise, you would do something along the lines of a squat and then a bicep curl as one fluid movement. When performed and applied properly, your risk of injury is rather low. However, if you have a disorder that affects your balance, for example, this movement could be difficult for you and possibly unsafe. 

Pregnant Women
Exercising during pregnancy is generally always a good thing unless your doctor has told you otherwise. Most pregnant women will benefit from physical activity. However, you have to be careful because as your belly grows, it can throw your center of gravity off a bit. If you are doing multi-directional lunges, for example - a popular exercise in functional fitness - you may find maintaining balance a little difficult in your third trimester. When you are pregnant you have to be extra careful not to fall or do things that might make you dizzy. 

General Health Concerns
If you are 40 or older, you should always check with your doctor first as a precaution. Many people in this age group are perfectly healthy - and many are healthier than their younger counterparts. However, it is just a general guideline to see your doctor, let her know that you are planning to do functional fitness and make sure it is safe for you. 

Starting Safely
If it is determined that functional fitness is safe for you, it is important to keep it safe. Start without weights and just use your own body weight as resistance. As you get stronger and more versed in the workout, then add some weights and build from there. This will help to maintain safety and will help you gradually build your physical fitness.

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