Saturday, July 11, 2015

How Wind Power Works

How Wind Power Works

Before we talk about how wind power works, let’s talk about what it is. It is one of the cleanest ways to generate electricity. It is renewable and very “earth friendly”. It is a very good substitute for the fossil fuels that we use now, which are bad for our health and the health of our environment. We must take care of the planet so that we will ahve something to pass along to the future generations. I don’t think that we want to be known as the generation that ruined the planet!

In a way wind power is actually a form of solar energy. Winds are actually caused by the uneven warming of the atmosphere by the sun. Also the uneven surface of the earth and the earth’s actual rotation. Then these same winds are modified by terrain, water and even vegetation. We have used these winds for fun and work. We fly kites, sail boats, and make electricity. Of course making electricity is becoming even more popular everyday.

Wind energy or wind power describes the process of turning the wind into energy through the use of wind mills, wind turbines and wind generators. They turn the kinetic energy of the wind into mechanical power. This power can then be used to grind grain, pump water or make electricity with a generator.

So in simple terms the wind turns the blades.  the blades are connected to a shaft, which is turned by the force of the wind turning the blades. Then this mechanical force can be used as is for something like pumping water or to turn a generator which produces electricity. This electricity can be sent to your home to power things or stored for future use.

So this answers the question of “how wind power works”, but a more important question would be, why aren’t we taking advantage of it?

Would you like to find out how you can take advantage of it? You may be surprised at how low the cost could be to build your own system. Visit Earth4Energy for more information.

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