Monday, July 27, 2015

How to Prep Mashed Potatoes Early - Plus a Recipe!

 How to Prep Mashed Potatoes Early - Plus a Recipe!Using a Slow Cooker to Keep Mashed Potatoes Fresh

Whether it is a holiday party, a family dinner, or a dinner party with friends, one of the most time consuming and stressful preparation is the meal. From cooking the dish(es) to cleaning up afterwards, even a simple dish like mashed potatoes can be a challenge. So instead of trying to get all the food cooked just as your guest are showing up, and then rushing to either clean the dishes, or hide the mess before sitting to eat, why not prep your dishes a few hours ahead?

Mashed potatoes can make a simple, yet tasty side dish. However, it can be rather messy to prepare. Many folks peel the potatoes, so that can be time consuming. You also cut the cube the potatoes so it cooks more evenly and faster, then strain, mash, add your various ingredients, and then transfer it to the serving bowl.
Another hassle with potatoes is when you have to prepare them for a dinner party being hosted at someone else's house. You can either make them at home, but then risk them getting cold during the drive over (and reheated mashed potatoes are not as good as fresh). Or, you can ask the host/hostess if you can come over early and prep the potatoes in their kitchen. With the last option you then deal with creating a mess in someone else's kitchen, and while they are also trying to prepare their own dishes and themselves for the party.
The best option is to cook the mashed potatoes 2-3 hours head of schedule, and keep them hot until the party. To do this you must take advantage of the slow cooker. The slow cooker is a must have for anyone. With it you can prepare many dishes ahead of time. In most cases, you would add the uncooked ingredients to the slow cooker and allow it to cook overnight or through out the day. However, in this case, the dish will be prepared on a stove, and then the slow cooker will be used to keep it hot.
To do this, simply take your slow cooker, plug it in and set it on warm or low. Take about 2-3 tablespoons of butter and set it in the slow cooker and allow it to melt. In the meantime, prepare your favorite mashed potato recipe. After the potatoes are cooked, check the slow cooker. At this point the butter should be melted. Take a pastry brush (or a paper towel/napkin) and brush the butter around the bottom and up the sides of the slow cooker. Once coated, transfer the potatoes to the slow cooker. Keep it on the warm or low setting until you are ready to serve. If you must travel to the dinner party, just unplug the slow cooker and take it with you. It will keep the potatoes warm for a long time even after it is shut off.
Chunky, garlic rustic mashed potatoes recipe: 

Yields about 20 servings


5lbs Idaho potatoes 
2 tsp dry herbs (mix of rosemary, thyme, and oregano) 
1/2 tsp salt 
1/2 tsp pepper 
5-10 cloves of garlic, minced 
1 small onion, minced or small chop 
2 tbs olive oil 
1 stick butter 
1 cup milk


1. Wash and cube potatoes. Add to a large pot and add enough water to cover potatoes by about 1/2" 
2. Bring to boil, reduce heat and let simmer about 15-20 minutes, or until potatoes are tender. 
3. While potatoes are cooking, heat the oil up over medium-low to medium heat (keep oil below smoking point, if you see smoke, reduce heat). Add the onions to the hot oil and saute for 2-3 minutes or just until they begin to turn translucent. Add the garlic and saute another 2-3 minutes, or until garlic and onions are soft, but not browned. When done, set aside in a bowl. 
4. When potatoes are done, strain, then return to pot. Add the garlic/onion mix and lightly mash with a potato masher. Add the butter and 1 cup of milk, salt, dry herb mix, salt, and pepper. Mash together until ingredients are combined. Do not over mash so that potatoes are still a bit chunky. 
5. Add more salt and pepper if needed.

Optional: If you will transfer to a slow cooker, take 2 tablespoons of butter out of this recipe to use as the coating for the slow cooker. 

For a touch of Indian spice, add a teaspoon of curry powder or Masala garam spice blends.

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