Friday, July 31, 2015

How to Make French Toast Rolls

How to Make French Toast Rolls
Homemade or frozen french toast 
Chosen food(s), such as Nutella, peanut butter, or frosting

Mm, French toast for breakfast; that will bring the kids running to the kitchen! This morning, though, give a thought to leaving the syrup in the cabinet, and letting the kids take the French toast on the go. It's the solution for feeding kids who are running late for school or feeding yourself on the way to work.
Sure, the usual routine is to serve French toast on a plate, with butter and syrup, but it doesn't always have to be served that way. For kids on the go, for a less messy treat, French toast rolls are yummy. Since you can make them in various ways, you can please everyone. It really doesn't take a lot longer to make the rolls than it does to make ordinary French toast.
There are many things that taste great on French toast, such as peanut butter, Nutella, honey, powdered sugar, and frosting. With all of that in mind, consider French toast rolls not only for breakfast, but for dessert, and for party treats. Decide on the food that you think will be great on the French toast and it will take just a few seconds to make it.
Make French toast yourself by beating together egg, milk, and cinnamon. Replace the cinnamon - or add to it - by trying nutmeg, or even allspice. Lightly grill the French toast on a griddle and remove. Put the chosen spread across the top of the French toast and roll the bread from one side to the other. Hand it off to a child and out the door he goes. To hold the roll together until you eat it just put in a toothpick. Don't have time to make French toast? Microwave the frozen type to have breakfast ready in minutes.
There are many different French toast rolls that you can make. Put peanut butter and jelly on the French toast or make a Nutella roll. Spread chocolate or vanilla frosting on the roll to make a quick dessert. Or, lay the roll on its side and cut it like a jelly roll. It's a great treat for a party. If the rolls are for the family, roll them up with the chosen spread, and let everyone dip them in small cups of syrup.
No longer do your kids have to run out the door with Pop Tarts. Sure, those are good, but French toast rolls are so much more delicious. They're easy to make, there is a huge variety of flavors, and everyone will eat well before facing the day.

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