Saturday, July 18, 2015

How to Lose Weight

How to Lose Weight

The Cheapest and Heathiest Way to Lose Weight 

Americans spend approximately 40 billion dollars a year on weight loss products and programs in an attempt to manipulate their weight. The ideal image for anyone is to be thinner by having a fit and toned body. This image was caused by the use of thinner, and tall, models in the fashion industry that we are exposed to every second of our lives. The more ad time that is spent displaying this image then the more profit the companies that manufacture those programs and products make. They are all aware of this, and they have started combining the two often. So people are pouring too much of their paychecks into weight loss products and programs that promise results, like $20 for 20lbs in two weeks, that are impossible to achieve. While people waste their money on weight loss products and programs, that don't actually generate the desired results, they never stop and realize that the most effective, safest and cheapest way to lose those unwanted pounds is right in their own home.

The first thing anyone wanting to lose weight should do is eat right. The worst thing anyone can do is starve themselves because the human body is similar to a car, and a car also needs calories for mobility. One gallon of gasoline has 31,500 calories in it and we need 2,000 to 2,500 calories per a day to be able to function in our daily tasks. Of course we are not going to drink gasoline, because that would be poison to us, but if we could then we have just went way past our daily limit with one gallon (and hello more unwanted pounds). We get our calories from the food that we consume, and just like a car we can't run on an empty tank.

When some people look at those suffering with anorexia, they begin to wonder if weight loss is as easy as skipping a few meals. They figure that they won't get like that because all they will do is skip meals for a few weeks, lose those pounds, and go back to eating. Sound easy, huh? Wrong, it's not that easy. The bodies of those with anorexia is a result of years and years of living with this disorder. It's neither that simple nor healthy. When your body senses the slack of calorie intake that it needs then it goes into starvation mode. When your body is in this mode, it begins to conserve more energy so therefore it uses less for each task than it normally would. Unused calories are converted into fat cells and stored for later. A person attempting to lose weight by taking what they think is an healthy approach to anorexia will soon realize that it will take a lot longer than they thought to lose those unwanted pounds. This could be a cause of anorexia, if you think about it. Someone saying to her or himself "I will just skip three weeks worth of meals and then start back eating" and then when those three weeks are up they think "Okay, I came this far and I guess I just need another week" and so on and so on until they have a severe of anorexia nervosa. Anorexia nervosa is not in anyway a healthy way to lose weight.

It's not about how much you eat that makes you gain weight but instead what you are eating that keeps you from eating. A person who exercises regularly but isn't eating the right food isn't going to achieve the desired results. Sugar and carbohydrates aid the body in storing fat. Sugar sends the message to your body to store more fat and carbs are converted into fat cells that remain stored with the body much longer than converted calories. The key to weight loss is to cut out the Sugar and limit your intake of carbohydrates like by choosing wheat bread over white bread.

The second thing to do for weight loss is get plenty of exercise that will use up the body's energy supply and therefore lead to weight loss but the type of exercise you need depends on the type of body want. It is a common misconception that situps and crunches lead to weight loss when actually it can make you stomach appear bigger because it works the muscles. This is the type of exercise you will need if you plan to be a body builder but it's still a good exercise. It builds more muscle. The typical exercise that is guaranteed to lead to weight loss is a form of cardio, like running.

The cheapest way to weight loss is also the best way: eating right and getting plenty of exercise. This way want even cost you as much as those weight loss products and programs, except what you spend in the grocery store on the right food and the time you devote to your exercise. The best way to get and stay healthy is by living healthy.

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