Saturday, July 18, 2015

How to Become a Runner in 20 Days

How to Become a Runner in 20 Days
The New Year has come and gone with the usual resolutions unresolved. A new year - an explosive year if one is to believe those silly calendar rumors- is here for us to once again make promises. I hate that word - promise. I equally loath the word resolution. Both of these words set me up for failure from the moment they leave my mouth. Too much pressure to live life perfectly for an entire year. So, I resolve to be imperfect this year. Let's start with this running thing.

I started running in a serious way (that means not just running to the end of my driveway and then convincing myself I couldn't do anymore) back in February 2011. The first time I stepped onto the pavement, I checked my form. How do I get it perfect? There goes that pressure again. I almost caved right then as I looked longingly at my front door already feeling the warmth and comfort that my couch would bring me. But that would not get me to my goal of becoming a runner. Neither would critiquing myself every time my foot hit the ground in an odd way or I breathed a little too hard. I was going to have to go at this my own imperfect way.

If you found this article then I already know that you are interested in running, but maybe you are unsure about the time commitment or you think that running is too painful, reminiscent of those horrible fitness tests in high school that were administered by some drill sergeant gym coach. I am here for you - the beginner, the novice, the timid person who desperately wants to wear a number and complete a 5K. I am here for the beginners to tell you that you can do it!

Running has offered me a lot of opportunities. I have learned the limits of my body, which turn out not to be as many as I thought I had. I have met awesome people at the various races I have entered. I have learned that I am deserving of the title: Athlete. You can do this, too. It has been said that it takes about 20 days to break a habit or, in this case, start a healthier habit. That is why I created a 20 day challenge to kick start your New Year in a healthy way. Being physically fit isn't just a reason to fit into your skinny jeans. Being physically fit clears your mind and helps you fit into something more precious than a pair of skinny jeans. It helps you feel at home with who you are. Self-esteem is something we think is handed to us once we leave high school and enter the adult world, the "real world," where everything is suppose to be better. Yeah, not true unless you are that one percent that seem to always feel okay with who they are.

I am not a doctor or a certified personal trainer. I am a runner who is here to share some of the techniques that have helped me find success. Take my advice for what it is - simply advice. Tweak what I give to you to fit into your daily life. Make this challenge personal to you so that you will succeed. Also, I am from the St. Louis Metropolitan area. So, I may be including a lot of local stuff along the way. If this part doesn't apply to you, post a comment or two about where you are and your local resources. Let our fellow runner/readers who are taking this challenge with us have some more options. Okay, enough talk - let's go!

Day One - January 1
Am I going to make you run today? If I were a hard-core trainer, I would have you up at 5:00am laced up and ready to go. But I am not even going to consider telling you to get up and go this morning. If you partied too hard last night then even attempting to start running today will have you defeated from the get go. Not cool!

So, today we are going to do something fun. After you have rested up, get moving to your local Sports Authority, Dick's Sporting Goods or Johnny Mac's. Browse the workout apparel. Find yourself some toasty, warm gloves. Get some layering attire - a tight, stretchy, moisture-wicking bottom layer to pull sweat away from your body to keep you from freezing, a looser-fitting long-sleeved top for the second layer and a warm jacket to start you off right. Invest in a pair of running tights to wear under your fleece pants to pull moisture away and keep your legs warm. Layering is key to comfort. Everyone warms up or stays cool differently. You want to be able to shed as you run if you need to. I am one that takes a long time to warm up, but you may get hot fast so layers are essential to keep you comfy.

You will also want to find some warm headgear - a hat or a head wrap. Even when the sun is out on a winter day it can still be brutal on your ears. A windy, winter's day can give you a brain freeze worse than a DQ Blizzard. Protect those ears and you will have a much comfier run.

When you are done picking up your attire, head over to Fleet Feet or Big River Running (BRR is local to the St. Louis area, Fleet Feet is available more nationwide). Let the professionals help you find a shoe that will be the perfect fit for your running adventure. A properly fitted shoe will help you run injury-free so your plans for a running year will not get sabotaged early in the running game.
When you are done, go home. Enjoy the beginning of a New Year with a nice dinner. Get out your iPod and set up a fun play list that you want to listen to for your first day of running and then get a good night's sleep. Tomorrow your feet will be hitting some pavement.

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