Saturday, July 18, 2015

Horse, Horse, of Course, of Course

Horse, Horse, of Course, of Course
Usain Bolt watch out man, you've got some competition on your hands. Horses are one hell of a natural athlete. Perhaps Usain used to be a horse in his past life, he is a big lad now isn't he.

People see horses on the TV, but isn't it incredible to own a horse of your own. You might say, ok well I'll own a Tiger cub or Elephant if you can do that. It's becoming the zoo I tell you.

Owning a horse is like owning a big baby (sorry no nappies here). You've got to feed them, and feed them….and feed them; clean them, yes they roll in the dirt for such a big animal and they can shake hands with the pigs; dress them up like your baby doll or action man (isn't that cute), but that's no doll or action man thank you very much; and here's the one, exercise them, which is mixed emotions believe me.

Forget the aerobics class or boot camp, you and the horse are it. Riding a horse is at times in-between driving a car and those mechanical bull rides or rodeo; from smooth sailing to woooooooooo. The thing is, a horse is an animal, not a machine, remember the elephant man - 'I'm not an animal, I'm a human being', and so, they can act out of order to, here comes the buck. What about those funny names, trott, canter and gallop; these names sound like sipping fine wine, because you have to be fine man to handle a horse. Now if this is all too much for you, there are the….you know what, those boring horse trail rides; poor horse, poor you. These horses can't wait for some action, but they are stuck with a rider who thinks a horse is a toy, of course, of course, or second hand car. These horses just wait for a rider to say, 'why can't we go any faster?'; believe they want to, they want to run and buck and nay and that's enough of that.

It seems the women tend to get a horse, or course, of course, more than the women. Perhaps the horsies are too bloody huge and make the men feel intimidated - 'he's not as big as me', I mean they do have awesome physiques, the horses I meant, sorry dude. Maybe men don't have the temperment to handle the horse, of course, or course. Could you imagine the bitch fight (let's not go there); it's either a Rugby Union forward on forward or a Mike Tyson-Evander Hollyfield boxing match (don't bite the horses ear now guys). Then again, Italian Stallion, no not Rocky; let's just say…these horses really are the man - 'oh my God is that his….'.

Then there's horse-racing. It's amazing how the jockeys keep these huge beasts under control; biiiiiiig voice, smaaaaaaall voice. The thunder of the horses' feet sounds like Thor has slammed down his mighty hammer - 'go horsey go'. The jockey is like a kid who has got lost at a fair and landed on one hell of a beast, an extra-terrestrial and the horse is the spaceship. Perhaps we were jockeys in our past lives, really are a jockey or jockey-in-training or have a nickname jockey, how do you know? Go on a merry-go-round and what is the first thing you go for, the horsey - 'I want to go on the horsey, the horsey'. Me horse, of course, of course.

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