Friday, July 31, 2015

Gym Workout Tips to Get a Hard Body, Burn Fat

Gym Workout Tips to Get a Hard Body, Burn Fat
Below are some tips to expedite your progress towards a hard body and burning fat. I'm a certified personal trainer. Many of my clients want a "hard body," including women.

5 ways to increase intensity of kettlebell swings

#1. Use a heavier kettlebell. Treat kettlebell swings as you would any other weight lifting movement. For example, when bench pressing, instead of doing reps for one minute straight or doing 30 reps, you'd typically set the weight heavy enough so that anywhere from eight to 12 or even 15 reps would be very challenging.
For the KB swing, apply a similar principle. Use a kettlebell that makes 12 to 15 reps difficult, yet allows you to maintain good form.
#2. Go deeper on the squat. Make sure you're not merely hinging at the hips. Keep back as upright as possible and squat deeper.
#3. Swing the KB deeper between your legs. This will require more leaning forward, but at least aim to keep an arch in your lower back; do not round the back.
#4. Hold the KB at the top of the movement for a one- or two-count.
#5. Lower the kettlebell more slowly; don't let it drop down. Many people don't lower it with control, thereby cheating themselves out of this "negative" segment of the movement. Implement these moves to increase fat-burning.

Killer wall ball squats

Stand with a stability ball between your back and a wall, holding a 10 or 15 pound dumbbell in each hand, arms hanging straight at sides, feet shoulder width or a little wider apart.
Keeping back securely against the ball (don't let it part from the ball), sink down as low as possible, meaning, your thighs are going way past parallel to the floor. You are nearly "ATG."
Keeping back against the ball, power back up. Do not lock your knees at the top; keep a soft bend. Do eight to 12 reps. Rest 90 seconds and repeat. Remember to maintain an arch in the lower back, keeping the back against the ball, chest proud, throughout the entire set. This exercise is a great fat-burner.

Whom do you work out near?

If you want to get rich, would you hang out around poor people and copy what they were doing? Of course not; you'd hang with the rich folks and find out what they've been doing that got them rich.
Likewise, if you want a fat-burning hard body, it makes sense to work out where most of the hard bodies are in the gym.

The free weight area. 

Yes, you know that's where most of the hard bodies are. Maybe they're on to something. Instead of confining your workouts to the cardio equipment area and weight machines, spend more time in the free weight area so you can figure out what the hard bodies are doing that you're not.
What's different about the way the free weight men and women exercise? We'll let you in on a secret: The hard bodies, including women, tend to do "big" exercises like the barbell squat, barbell lunge, deadlift, bench press, heavy rows and heavy dumbbell press.
Follow these workout tips and you'll be closer to getting a fat-burning hard body.

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