Friday, July 31, 2015

Best Eyeshadows for Your Skin Type

Best Eyeshadows for Your Skin Type
You've secretly coveted your bestie's new eyeshadow collection so you purchased one too! Unfortunately, the results are less than spectacular. The eye makeup disappears into your skin, comes off too easily or just looks bad, bad, bad. Could it be your skin type? Definitely! If you can't get that eyeshadow to pop, you may be reaching for the wrong product for your skin type. Forget about keeping up with the Joneses--or your favorite celebrity. Select the best eyeshadows for your unique skin.
Help--I have dry, flaky skin. Dry eye skin can get annoying, even painful. The last thing you want to do is add drying powder to your eye area. If you have dry skin, the best eyeshadow for you is likely creamy eyeshadows. Creamy eyeshadows come in tiny pots that you apply with a brush or you can roll them--they come in stick form too. A stick eyeshadow goes on easily and feels soft and creamy to the touch. (Here's another tip for women with dry skin--don't rub your eyelids with a sponge applicator. Always use a soft brush.) If you want a glossy look, try an eye gloss. This makeup product is like lip gloss but of course, for the eyes. It's ideal for dry skin. 
My eyeshadow melts away. You whipped up a small masterpiece on your eyelids but after just an hour or so, your paint job has melted. It's a common occurrence if you have oily skin. Eyeshadow is here one minute and gone the next. Which eyeshadow is best for oily skin? Why powders of course! If you've got more than just a bit of oil, always prime your eyes or use an oil mattifier to prevent oil seepage. Opt for waterproof liner and mascara for added staying power. Apply color with brushes: long tipped brush for the highlighter, short-tipped brushes for the accent color and for midtone, use a tapered brush that lays flat on the skin.
My skin can't make up its mind. That means you've got combination skin. You may have dry and oily patches right next to one another. For you beautiful, try liquid to powder eyeshadow. It hydrates the eye area but dries nicely. 
No matter what your skin type, applying eyeshadow is the perfect way to enhance your eyes. If you aren't sure about your skin type try some experimentation. Stick with what works for you! 

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