Saturday, July 11, 2015

Advantages of Wind Power

Advantages of Wind Power

So just what are the advantages of wind power?
There are many, and I will try to hit on as many as possible. I am sure that you will be able to think of even more. I would certainly like to say that personally I think that wind farms are beautiful. There are some people that would disagree, but I love to watch them turn. I like the feeling that I get thinking about how much they are helping us!

Wind power is renewable.
It is here to stay. It just blows and blows. Whether or not we use it, it will still blow. And it is readily available all over the world. And it is in ample supply to cover the demand and then some. Actually if all the energy of the wind was used, it would be around 10 times as much as we need.

The cost to harness the power of the wind has come down drastically. More and more people are working on it. Some bright entrepreneurs are making energy for themselves and making money from selling their ideas on home made systems.

Reduces global warming.
Wind energy is about as clean as it gets. There are no pollutants. There are zero harmful byproducts of producing energy from the wind.

Supports the local economy.
If you build a wind farm, the local area produces power for themselves and others. There are no imports to help another country. As the price of oil fluctuates, the wind is always free. There is no effect on the price because of rising costs of oil. And you have local people working on the process. The money stays local.

Perfect for remote locations.
Say you had a cabin in a remote area, where power lines may not even be run. You could put up a wind mill and make your own power.

Less likely to suffer from a power outage.
If you were using the wind power supplemented by your power company as a backup, you will probably never be without power.
So the advantages of wind power are many. We are moving in the right direction as far as using it, but I feel that we need to pick up the pace a little. The earth is being slowly destroyed and we need to get busy preserving it. We need to make sure that there is something to pass on to future generations.
Do you want to learn how you can build your own wind mill? Visit Earth4Energy to discover just how inexpensive it can be. You could be reducing your energy bill by up to 80%, putting money in your pocket, and helping to  save the planet all at the same time!

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