Friday, July 24, 2015

10 Tips for Earth-Friendly Travel

10 Tips for Earth-Friendly Travel
A lot of us do well at reducing our carbon footprint in our everyday lives, but what about when we travel? Even when we're on the road we can choose greener options for transportation, lodging, and day-to-day activities. It's possible to splurge on a fabulous vacation or enjoy a first-class business trip without wasting the earth's resources. Here's how.

Hotel Tips
1. Choose a hotel close to your activities so you can avoid unnecessary travel back and forth. Although the cost of the hotel may be a little more, the amount you'll save on taxis or gasoline could well make up the difference.

2. Turn out the lights. Many of us wouldn't think of leaving our house with all the lights on, but people do it all the time in hotel rooms. Just because we're not the ones paying the electric bill doesn't mean we should squander resources.

3. Reuse your towels. Many hotels have water-conservation policies like Project Planet that encourage guests to hang up their towels when finished. If your towel is hanging, the housekeeper will not replace it.

4. Unless for some reason you really need your room serviced, put the "Do Not Disturb" sign on your door and skip service altogether. This will avoid unnecessary vacuuming, linen changes, tub scrubbing, etc., which translates to a lot of saved resources. For instance, it takes approximately 21 gallons of water per day to wash the towels and bed linens for just one guest.

5. Adjust the thermostat. Hotel rooms are small and therefore heat up or cool down very quickly. Be sure to adjust the thermostat accordingly before leaving, or better yet -- turn it off altogether.

Transportation Tips
6. Walk or use public transportation. If you're visiting a city, why not forgo the rental car and walk or take the subway or bus to most of your destinations? Many cities are easy to get around in without a car, and it also saves you the hassle and expense of parking.

7. Take a tour. Rather than jumping in the car and heading out on your own to explore the area, consider taking a group tour. You're likely to see and learn more, while at the same time avoiding unnecessary greenhouse gas emissions.

General Green Tips
8. Don't forget about recycling! If your hotel doesn't have information in your room explaining what to do with your recyclables, call the front desk and ask.

9. Pack your resusables. Be sure you don't add a lot of single-use plastic to the waste stream, and remember to pack your reusable shopping bags and water bottle.

10. Travel light. Extra weight in your suitcase means extra fuel to get you where you're going. Try packing clothes that are versatile and that can be mixed, matched, and re-worn.

The key to traveling green is to make choices just as you would at home. It is, after all, the same planet we're working to save.

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